Chapter Seven

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~Eren POV~

I lied down and rested my head. A few minutes later, I heard the door open. I expected to see Armin or Sasha there but I saw Mikasa. She wasn't wearing her scarf and I wondered why. I stood up," Babe, where's your scarf?"

Mikasa replied," Oh! Um, uh uh-" I sighed," Don't worry about it, it's fine." She sighed in relief," My love, don't scare me like that!" My eyes widened," You've never called me 'my love' before." Mikasa gasped," Well, I think it's time that I start calling you that, don't you think?"

I smiled as I walked up to Mikasa," I mean, I have no problem with you calling me that." I pulled Mikasa close to me by her waist. Mikasa wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. I closed my eyes and felt something soft on my neck.

After a few seconds, I noticed that Mikasa was kissing my neck. I quickly opened my eyes as my grip on Mikasa's waist tightened, harder than I wanted it too because I heard Mikasa shout in pain softly. 

I pulled back," I'm so sorry babe! It's just-you kissing my neck highly shocked me!" Mikasa shook her head as she lifted herself to my neck and whispered," It's fine baby, you just shocked me." She started kissing my neck again and I felt my eyes shut tightly.

I lifted my arms to hold Mikasa's upper arms," Babe, why are you kissing my neck?" Mikasa stood on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear," Don't you think we've been together long enough?" I bit my lip," Yeah, but still. I don't think we should do this yet because-"

Mikasa turned to look at the door, fear and shock filling her face. I asked," Is something the matter?" Mikasa let go of me," I need to go somewhere quickly." I smiled," Sure. I'm gonna go change so long."

Mikasa went outside and I went upstairs. I started to change and heard Mikasa call out," Eren, I'm home!" I quickly changed and went downstairs," So, what did you have to do?" Mikasa furrowed her eyebrows," What are you talking about?"

I looked at Mikasa's scarf," Oh, you went to go fetch your scarf." Mikasa put her hands on her hips," What are you talking about? I have been wearing my scarf the entire time, and I went with Sasha and Armin to the walls. I didn't do anything else."

I raised an eyebrow," But you were just with me, did you forget?" Mikasa sighed as she started walking to the kitchen," Eren, I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. I wasn't here with you." I looked at the ceiling.

Was I hallucinating Mikasa being here? Maybe she actually wasn't. But why would I hallucinate Mikasa? That doesn't make sense.

I made my way to the kitchen and saw Mikasa trying to reach the top shelf. She was standing on her tiptoes and looked like she was struggling. I walked towards her and helped her by getting what she was reaching for.

Mikasa looked at me," Thanks." I chuckled," You can call me those nicknames if you want." Mikasa lowered her head," I don't think I can do that yet." I kissed Mikasa's temple," That's fine babe, you'll get there."

Mikasa smiled as she walked towards the counter. After making us breakfast, she asked," Mind if I go sit outside in the garden?" I burst out laughing and Mikasa looked at me, confusion painted on her face," Why are you laughing?"

I wiped a tear of laughter from my eye," Sweetheart, you don't need to ask me if you can do something. This is your house too." Mikasa asked," So I can go sit in the garden?" I nodded my head," Yes, and you don't need to ask next time."

Mikasa smiled as she stood up and walked to our bedroom. I went to the bedroom and leaned onto the door," Dear, what are you doing?" She replied," I wanted to read a book that Armin gave me."

I asked," What's it about?" Mikasa replied," It's a romance story about a guy who meets this girl that he at first hates and then he starts to love. He wants to confess to her but he's scared she'll regret him so he doesn't confess to her until she does. I find the concept so cute."

I smiled," You're a fan of romance stories, aren't you?" Mikasa nodded her head," Yeah, always been. Whenever I'm alone, I try to read a romance story." I smirked to myself," Good to know." Mikasa picked up the book and I managed to get a glimpse at the name: Forgotten Love

I asked," Mikasa, what other types of books do you read?" Mikasa stopped walking as she turned to look at me," Um, I'm actually not sure. I think I only read romance books." I sighed," Okay, have fun reading babe."

Mikasa smiled," love." Mikasa quickly turned away from me, guessing she was blushing. Mikasa made her way to the garden and I decided to take a walk around the forest. I walked outside and Mikasa asked," What are you going to do?"

I looked into the sky," I'm gonna take a walk in the forest." Mikasa looked at me," Please don't get lost and be back before dark." I nodded my head as I started walking around. I passed many trees and saw a huge one. I sat on a huge tree root and sat on it. 

I felt myself fall into a deep sleep. I woke up hours later and yawned. I looked at the sky and saw it was dark!

Fuck! I slept through the entire day! Mikasa's gonna fucking kill me!

I stood up and stared running until I stopped," Wait! WHERE AM I!?" I fully awoke and realized that I was lost, the exact thing I didn't want. I looked around only to see that I was fully covered by trees. 

My heart dropped, confused about where I was supposed to go. I started running in a random direction, probably getting more lost as I ran. I sat on a tree root, praying that in the morning I would find my home.

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