Chapter Twelve

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*Mikasa POV*

I looked at Yina," It's been two days since Eren has been gone. I need to go look for him." Yina grabbed my hand," No Mikasa! You can't go look for him! He must learn!" I exclaimed," Yina, I don't even know where he is!"

Yina chuckled," He's not cheating on you, calm down." My eyes widened," I wasn't scared of that...but now I am." Yina sighed," Mikasa, Eren loves you and only you. There's no need to worry about anything. But then again, if he doesn't truly love you, he won't come back."

I stood up and started pacing up and down the room repeating," Eren doesn't love me." Yina shouted," Mikasa! Stop it!" I looked at her," What's the point!? Eren's not gonna come home!" Yina sighed as she held my hand," Let's go look for him."

I smiled," Really?" She scoffed," As much as I don't like Eren, I'm doing this for you." I hugged her," Thank you! Now let's go!" We quickly went outside and I noticed that it was raining. Yina held my hand," Mikasa, we can't look for him in the rain! We need to stay inside!"

I shook her off me," Not happening! I'm going to look for Eren!" I ran into the stables and got my horse. We rode off into the forest for a few minutes. After going quite deep into the forest, I felt as if I was lost. 

I stopped and sat under a tree as I started shouting," Eren! Where are you!?" I looked around and didn't see him anywhere. I sighed and got on my horse again. I continued to ride again and I saw a village.

I smiled," Thank god! A village!" I rode into the village and saw a women call out," Excuse me, miss!" I got off my horse. She grabbed my hand," Come with me!" She pulled me into a house and put my horse into a nearby stable.

I asked," Wait, who are you?" She replied," I'm Kina Jiyo." I raised an eyebrow," Why did you help me?" Kina replied," You can't be outside in the rain! You could get sick-" I sneezed softly. Kina sighed," You might already be sick."  

~Eren POV~

I opened my eyes and saw Shiya and Akira looking at me. I sat up and held my head," What happened?" Shiya sat on my lap," Daddy, we found you outside on the floor." Hearing Shiya call me 'daddy' sent shivers up my spine.

Akira asked," Are you okay?" I replied," I can't remember what happened. All I remember is that I was outside and felt something hard hit my head." Akira held my arm as she pulled me up and pulled me to the side.

I asked," What are you-" Akira interrupted me by saying," You need to stay." I asked," Why?" She replied," When Shiya noticed that you were gone, she started crying. She didn't stop until she saw you. You can't leave."

I stated," But I have somewhere to be! I can't stay here, pretending to be Shiya's dad and your husband! We just met yesterday, in case you forgot!" Akira nodded her head as she held my hand softly," Eren, do this for Shiya."

But Mikasa...won't she be upset that I've been gone for so long?

I stood up," Fine, but only for one day. Tomorrow, I'm leaving." Akira nodded her head," Of course, of course!" We walked into the living room and Shiya ran to me, hugging my leg. I softly held her head as I forced a smile.

I looked outside and noticed rain. I sighed," Thank god it's raining." Shiya smiled," It's gonna stop any time soon." I turned around and heard the rain stop. My eyes widened.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Shiya tightly held my hand," Daddy, can we go outside?" I looked at Akira," You answer her." Akira smiled," Yes, baby. We can go outside." Akira opened the door and we started walking. 

*Mikasa POV*

I looked at Kina," Do we have to go outside?" She replied," I want you to meet my mother and sister! They're extremely nice and I'm pretty sure you'll like them." I sighed," Sure." Kina grabbed my hand and we started walking outside.

It stopped raining a few minutes ago. After walking for a minute or two...I saw a women and a man walking with a small girl. My eyes widened as I noticed who the man was. I unexpectedly shouted," Eren!"

I gasped and quickly ran away to behind a wall. I slowly turned to look at them. I slowly made my way to them, not letting Eren see me. I saw the small girl fall and start crying. Akira nudged Eren's arm and he picked up the girl. I heard her cry," Daddy!" My eyes widened.

Daddy? Since when is Eren called daddy?

I felt angry burning inside me so I exposed myself. Eren looked at me," Mi-Mikasa!" I crossed my arms," So, what did I miss? I guess Yina was right...I should've believed her." Eren put the girl down," No, babe! You misunderstand!"

I turned away," Maybe we aren't meant to be." I started running and heard Eren following me. Eren shouted," Mikasa! In front of you!" I looked up and tripped on something," Ahh!" Eren held his hand out," Come here."

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I pulled him into a hug and felt myself black out. When I opened my eyes, I was tied to a chair and in a dark room. I looked to my side and heard Eren ask," Baby, are you okay?"

I looked around," Where are we?" Eren replied," I wish I could tell you, but I don't know." I saw the door fly open and saw a man there. He smirked," Hi Mikasa~" Eren growled," How do you know her name!?" He replied," You don't remember me, do you?"

Who the fuck is this, and why is he looking at me hungrily?

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