Chapter Two

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*Mikasa POV*

I heard Eren sigh. It sounded like he was trying to relax a bit, but not let something out. I was biting my bottom lip, trying not to let the tears out. What Eren said next, made it extremely hard to keep it in," Mikasa, I was planning on living outside the walls. I wanted you to come with me, but I don't want to force you. I don't want you to ever be forced into anything ever again. I would live here with you, I really would; but living here gives me-gives me..."

Eren stopped his sentence. I squeezed his hand softly, trying to indicate that everything will be okay. Eren pulled me towards him into a tight hug. He spoke, chocking on tears," Looks like we were never meant to be together."

My eyes widened and I dug my face into his shoulder. The tears that had been building up, finally broke. I cried hard and Eren held me tight. He had one hand on my back and another on the back of my head.

I thought I'd always be with Eren, I want to always be with Eren; but maybe we aren't meant to be. I spoke in a broken voice," Eren, I can't be with you anymore." Eren pulled back to look at me," What did you just say?"

My vision was blurry due to my tears. I wiped some of it away," If we're going to be parted anyway, might as well save me some heartache, don't you think?" Eren looked at me. He lifted his hand to touch my cheek but stopped.

He pulled away, his teeth gritted shut and his hand in a fist. I think Eren wanted to make me happy, but he doesn't know how. I closed my eyes and felt something touch my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Eren holding my cheek.

He was smiling, with tears falling down his face. I lifted my hands to wipe his tears. Eren pulled me into a passionate kiss. I could taste the salt from his tears, and I'm guessing he could taste mine because he pulled me closer.

Eren pulled back a few seconds later so we could breath. I blushed," Why did you do that?" He replied," Well, I want our last few moments together to be filled with happiness, not sadness." I hugged Eren as I exclaimed," Every moment with you is happy!"

I heard Eren's door open," Eren! Oh, hey Mikasa; is everything okay?" I turned away from Armin," Hey Armin, could you give Eren and me a few minutes alone?" Armin started to close the door," I apologize."

Eren stood up," I can't be by your side anymore, it hurts to see you like this." I stood up," I'll go. Armin wants to talk to you anyway." I left Eren's room, giving him a small smile before I left. I went to my room, and fell on my bed. I reached for my scarf when I stopped," My scarf? I guess I left it in Eren's room. Better go get it."

I stood up and walked to Eren's room. I put my hand on the handle but stopped when I heard Eren shout," This isn't fair! Mikasa doesn't deserve any of this! She deserves the absolute best, Armin! I just-I don't know how to give it to her!"

I took a few steps back," I shouldn't disturb them, Eren seems busy." I walked to my room," I can live for a day without my scarf. I'll just go over in the night when Eren's sleeping as to not disturb him." 

During the middle of the day, I heard my door burst open," Mikasa! Everyone's having a party for all the titans being dead! Come with us!" Sasha jumped at me and grabbed my hand. I softly smiled," Sasha, I'm not really in the mood."

Sasha exclaimed," But Mikasa, all our friends will be there!" I shook my head," I don't feel like it." Sasha sighed, which followed with a smirk," I bet Eren will be there. Maybe you can finally ask him out! I mean, the two of you have no more worries, right!?"

I felt like breaking down once more. I started crying. Sasha asked," Mi-Mikasa, you're crying!? What do I do? What do I do!?" I asked," Sasha, is it fine for me to cry?" Sasha brought me into a hug," Mikasa, you've been strong your entire life. I think it's time to let it all out."

I lowered my head," So it's fine to break down sometimes? I mean, I'm no longer a soldier, so if I'm not a soldier, what am I?" Sasha smiled as she lifted my chin," Well, I know this may be pushing it as all the titans were destroyed earlier but, you could always be my best friend."

I chuckled," Sasha, we've always been best friends!" Sasha pulled me into a hug," I know! It's just, you're the best best friend I could ever ask for! Not even Connie or Jean beat you!" I smiled as I tightened my grip around Sasha," Same with you. When it comes to friends, not even Armin or Eren beat you."

Sasha pulled back, smiling brightly," I know I beat Armin, but there's not way I could beat Eren! You love him way to much!" I sighed," Sasha, there's something I need to tell you." She asked," What is it?"

I replied," I can't tell you now. I think I'll tell you tomorrow." Sasha smiled," Okay." She made her way to my door. I asked," What are you doing?" She replied," I'm going to the party. You said you didn't want to come. I don't want to force you."

I smiled," Thank you, Sasha." Just before she left, Sasha asked," By the way, where's your scarf?" I replied," It's...somewhere." Sasha chuckled," I'll see you tomorrow, bestie!" I returned her chuckle," I'll see you tomorrow, bestie."

Sasha left my room and I sighed, not knowing what to do. Sasha really wants me to go to the party, but I don't want to see Eren because I'm pretty sure he'll be there. Maybe I should go just to make Sasha happy, because I won't be with Eren forever, so I need to start thinking about myself now.

Peace doesn't exist outside the walls...[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now