Chapter Three

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~Eren POV~

I saw all my friends around me and heard loud music playing. Everyone looked so happy. Armin smiled," I'm glad to see everyone here, alive." Jean looked at Sasha," Hey Sasha, where's Mikasa? You said you would get her to come?"

Sasha sighed," Mikasa didn't want to come and I don't want to force her." I looked behind Sasha and saw something that confused me. I looked at everyone," Give me a minute. I need to do something."

Armin smiled," Sure." I started walking towards two certain people. I stood behind a wall and heard Captain Levi ask," So, why did we need to talk in private?" Mikasa replied," I want to leave the walls." Levi asked," Why? I thought you wanted to stay inside the walls?"

Same? What about earlier when she was crying? She seems so fine now, as if nothing was happening?

Mikasa replied," I had an incident with Eren and I can't be here anymore. I want to be away from him, like far away from him." I felt a stab in my heart. I heard someone calling my name. I quickly ran towards Connie and Jean.

I couldn't stand to hear what Mikasa had to say anymore. We walked back to the party and I saw Mikasa standing by the entrance. She quickly made her way to us and smiled as she greeted us. I looked at her, a bit of anger in my voice as I said," You know, the sky outside the wall must look so nice."

Mikasa raised an eyebrow," Yeah, it probably does." I rolled my eyes and looked at Mikasa, who looked confused, which only annoyed me more. I whispered in Mikasa's ear," We need to speak after this party." Mikasa nodded her head," Yes, we do." My eyebrow raised.

Maybe she's going to tell me about the whole wanting to go outside the walls?

I watched Mikasa throughout the entire party. She looked like she was genuinely enjoying herself. It made me happy that she was happy, but then I would remember that she wanted to leave the walls to get away from me.

The party finished quite quickly (or at least it seemed like it did) and Mikasa and I went outside for a walk. As we were walking, Mikasa was smiling. I was about to speak when Mikasa held my hand. I stopped walking and looked at her.

Mikasa looked at me, a huge smile forming," Eren, you know how you said you wanted to live outside the walls?" I nodded my head," Yeah?" She held my cheek," Well, I want to live with you outside the walls. I want to be with you no matter what, I think we deserve to be happy after everything we've been through."

My eyes widened," Wait, so you don't want to live outside the walls without me?" Mikasa chuckled," Why would I do that? You make my life worth living, you make everything happy." I decided to brush off what happened and pulled Mikasa into a hug.

Mikasa asked," Before we go, can I show you something?" I smiled," Sure." We walked to a tree and I smiled," It's so beautiful!" Mikasa smiled as she turned to face me," Eren, I was never good with expressing how I felt when it came to you, but I love you-I love you so much. You mean the world to me."

*Mikasa POV*

I had finally told my true feelings to Eren. He looked at me as he smirked," Hey! It's my job to confess first! I won't allow you to beat me at confessing!" I chuckled as I hugged him," I love you so much-" Eren exclaimed as he blushed," Stop saying that! I wanna say it!"

I smiled as I held his cheek," Then say it, I won't stop you." Eren blushed deeply," I...I-I love you." I kissed his cheek," You just mended my heart, and said something that made my day." Eren sat on a big root of the tree as he asked," So, when should we leave?"

I replied, fiddling with my fingers," I wanna leave within this week." Eren looked at me," So fast? I thought you liked living here?" I sighed," That's not really the deal. I'm just worried about you, you said that you didn't want to be here anymore."

Eren held my hand," Okay, we can leave the walls this week on one condition." I raised an eyebrow," Yeah, what is it?" He smiled," Promise me that you will take care of yourself more and treat me like your boyfriend."

I gasped, my cheeks heating up," Boyfriend!?" Eren smiled," Can't we call each other those names now? My dear sweet girlfriend?" I bit my bottom lip," I've never had a boyfriend before..." Eren chuckled," Well, I've never had a girlfriend. So this is both of our first relationships?"

I nodded my head," Y-Yeah." Eren stood up," It's quite late, I think I'm gonna go sleep in my room. Night Mikasa." I winked," Night Eren, sleep tight." I saw him walk away. I looked at the sky, seeing the stars.

I sighed and started making my way to my room. I was about to open my door but stopped," Ugh, I forgot about my scarf." I rolled my eyes and looked in the direction of Eren's room. I made my way to his room and knocked," Eren?"

He opened the door," Yeah Mikasa? Something wrong?" I replied," I forgot my scarf in your room. Could you get it for me, please?" Eren smiled as he moved to the side slightly," Why don't you fetch it yourself...mostly because I have no clue where it is."

I looked at him as I shouted," Eren! You can't lose my-" Eren interrupted me," Calm down, princess. I have your scarf." Eren handed me my scarf and I grasped it, wrapping it around my neck.

Eren sighed," I honestly think that scarf is more important to you than me." I protested," That's not true!" Eren sighed," I know what's true and what's not, and you definitely love that scarf more than me." 

I pinched Eren's cheeks," You may think so now, but I'll prove that I love you more than this scarf." Eren pulled me into a tight hug. When he pulled back, I asked," Um Eren, would you mind if I slept here tonight?"

Eren chuckled," I knew you would ask that, so I've got this." He walked towards his cupboard and pulled out a pair of my pajamas. I asked," Why do you have a pair of my pajamas? I never saw you come into my room?"

Eren chuckled," Don't ask." I sighed," I'll change in the bathroom. You can change in the room." After we changed, I got into bed with Eren. He held me close and I felt our bodies touch. I wish we could stay like this forever.

Peace doesn't exist outside the walls...[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now