Chapter Ten

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*Mikasa POV*

I sat up as I wiped my eyes and yawned," Eren? Are you awake?" I noticed that Eren wasn't by my side. I stood up and went downstairs. I saw Eren and Yina sitting by the table. I sighed," Morning guys."

Eren smiled," Morning, babe. Sleep well?" I nodded my head," Yeah, you guys?" Yina slightly smiled," I kinda enjoyed my sleep." I looked at Eren as I held his arm," My love, do you think we can go on a walk in the forest today?"

Eren raised an eyebrow as he lifted my hair to reveal my scar. He sighed," Oh good." Yina stood up," Did you really think Mikasa was me!?" Eren bit his lip," You did kinda try to take my virginity...that's something I can't really forget about the next day."

Yina scoffed," How dare you! I'm Yina and that's Mikasa! You know, your girlfriend!" Eren sighed," Sorry, sorry! I didn't know!" I crossed my arms," You thinking I'm Yina kinda does make me mad." 

Eren pulled me into a hug," Babe, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to mistake you with your twin." I slightly pushed Eren away," I just wanna eat. What are you making?" He replied," Eggs. Do you want, sweetheart?"

I sat down, closing my eyes," Yes." I said sternly. Eren sighed," Dear, I'm extremely sorry, please forgive me." Yina held my hand as she whispered," Only forgive him if he does something for you." 

I sighed," She has a good point, Eren." Eren grumbled," Normal you would just forgive me! You know I don't know how to make you happy!" Yina scoffed," Find a way then! I want my sister to have the best and only the best!"

I smiled," I'm very glad that we moved past our history." Yina looked at me," None of that was your fault, I shouldn't be hard on you and anyway-us twin sisters should stick together no matter what, right?"

I chuckled," I'm very grateful for you, Yina." Eren grumbled," I hate you both." Yina laughed," Don't be harsh, Eren!" Eren rolled his eyes," It's your fault, not mine." I sighed," Can you guys please not fight?"

Eren exclaimed," It's her fault! She's making me do things I don't know how to do!" Yina stood up in anger," It's not my fault you lived your entire life in misery!" Eren made a fist," My life wasn't in misery! I had Mikasa by my side!"

Yina shouted," I've heard the things you've said to her! Shut up about her being by your side! You know nothing about love, NOTHING!" Eren scoffed," At least I have someone, unlike you!" Yina looked extremely angry," Eren, you're walking on thin ice, I'm going to hurt you if you continue to push me."

Eren grinned," You won't touch me. I'm your twin sister's boyfriend and I mean the world to her! She won't allow you to touch me!" I bit my lip as I fumbled with my fingers," Well, you two are being quite mean to each other. I can't be on either of your sides."

Eren looked at me," Mikasa, back me up!" Yina crossed her arms," Wow, you need your girlfriend to back you up because you can't stand alone." Eren looked at me," Babe!" I sighed," Eren, you did kinda start the fight-not saying it's your fault!"

Eren's face started turning red," This is crazy! What's wrong with you two!?" I saw Eren storm out and my head fell. I sighed," I should've stopped him, that was my fault. Forgive me, Yina. Eren always gets carried away with his fights and I normally stopped him, but I didn't this time. I deeply apologize."

Yina put a hand on my shoulder," It's not you fault. Eren's 18 years old and he needs to learn to take care of himself. You can't take care of him his entire life, he needs to become a man. What's gonna happen when you two get married, or when you guys have kids!? What kind of husband or father will he be!?"

I looked down," I don't know." Yina held both my hands," You need to love an actual man who can take care of you, not Eren. He's not good for you, he knows shit about love!" I sighed," I know that, but he was always focused on killing titans, not caring about me."

Yina scoffed," If Eren doesn't change within this week, we're both leaving this place and going to the walls." I shook my head," I can't leave Eren, he's my world." Yina sighed," By the way, when is Eren coming back?"

I sighed," He needs to cooldown. I really hope that he doesn't get lost-you know, I should go look for him." Yina held my hand," Men need to know how to find their way back home, so leave him. Whether he's gone for a day or two, he'll find his way back home."

I looked at the door," I really hope you're right." Yina hugged me," Don't worry! If he truly loves you, he'll find his way to you." I smiled," I hope he loves me that much." Yina smiled," I'm pretty sure he does." I lowered my head.

I hope Eren gets home safe, if not...I'll never forgive myself.

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