Nothing to Hide, Just Ride the Ride and I'll Let You Decide

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 Light brushed up against your form, relaxing. As if you could relax, you've been sitting here the past hour, doing absolutely nothing, rubbing off this morning's daily occurrence of a headache. You finally decided it was about time to get off of your ass and do something, anything to pass the time. Bringing yourself closer and closer to the opening of the alleyway, gripping the side and about to walk out until you were 'oh so rudely' interrupted.

"Aha, I caught you now-" He suddenly stopped himself, "Oh it's you."

Ah yes, behold, 'you' or maybe you should really say behold him, Tre. But to be honest, he wasn't really a sight to behold, he kind of looked like he read Sherlock Holmes and just decided to take a stroll outside in his whole ensemble. It sort of looked like he was dressed as a makeshift detective, tan trench coat draped over his tall, broad form with his silly hat to match. What was it with this guy and his stupid hats? But you're getting ahead of yourself now, what was this guy doing here anyways?

"I was uh, expecting it to be Vinnie," he started, itching the nape of his neck with his fingertips.

"Uh-huh, you got a problem buddy." You rolled your eyes at him.

"What do you mean?" He'd question you, blinking expectantly, eyes still widened.

"Like, you need a hobby," you complained, insulting him.

He'd scoff at you, "Pft, I have a hobby, and a job of course." He'd boast, chuckling to himself and triphumantly placing a hand on his chest.

"That isn't stalking Vinnie." You spoke blatantly.

You would hear him dramatically gasp, taken aback by the whole situation, "I don't stalk her, I in fact have a pretty good reason for being here."

"Alright let's hear it, meter maid." A voice would speak up from behind you, it was Vinnie herself, slouched against the inner wall of the alleyway, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Vinnie!" Tre would spring up into action at the sight of the girl, "Hey, I mean-" He'd stuttered around simple words, letting out an embarrassing voice crack. He'd cough, clearing his throat, deepening his voice for whatever reason. "Hey," He'd wiggle his brows at Vinnie, smiling at her and placing a hand against the corner of the wall for balance, and ultimately for whatever reason he tripped himself, he stumbled over and fell embarrassingly right on his face.

"Oh boy, give me a break, I thought I told ya to get lost, what are you still doing hanging around?" She'd groan, shaking her head and rubbing her forehead irritatedly.

Tre would push himself off the ground, dusting off the dirt and unknown specs of wet stains littered on the ground below.

"Righto, I am here because, uh, I have a big case and.." His voice drifted off, tugging on the collar of his trench coat.

"Big case?" She questioned putting her hand on her hip.

"Uh-huh," he nodded, desperately.

"And what does that big case have you doing here, because I don't want you here!" She'd ask him, passive aggressively.

"You, you don't?" He fiddled around with his index fingers looking sadly at Vinnie.

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