The Only Calmness Beneath the Thrashing Sound

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The soft pushing of unsteadiness fled over your body as the soles of your shoes touched the slanted ground of the roof. The tiles mashing with your feet and walking, almost having you stumble and ultimately fall off before being yanked back by the same person who led you up here.

"Phew, close one!" Vinnie winked at you before sitting you down next to her and ruffling the top of your hair in some sort of playful gesture. You'd push her unwanted hands off your hair, but sadly for your hair follicles the damage had already been done. You parted them, huffing and brushing your hair to the side to clear your eyes.

Vinnie turned around, crawling over to the edge of the roof, her fingers digging into the roof tiles to steady herself.

"Hey, you guys wanna join us?" She would holler down to Stone and Skipp, still in the alleyway. Stone staggered back and forth, which you assumed from the various alcohol uses over the long night.

"I'm still, sober-" Stone had mumbled, burping, in which he had interrupted himself with majestically falling into a row of trash cans, getting himself stuck into one.

"Stone!" Skipp shrieked, running after the fallen drunken man to pull him out of the trash.

This time you turned a bit around and got closer to the roof's edge, not as close as Vinnie though, you weren't that much of a risk taker.

"Is he okay?" You'd asked genuinely concerned, hoping it wasn't some sort of daily occurrence.

"Oh yeah, he's fine," Vinnie would waver a hand at this, climbing back to the ridge of the roof to sit herself next to you again.

"Now, these things are what's gonna be the banger of our night," She'd shuffled the bag over between the both of you, slowly pulling the strings of the bag to unleash the godly sight. Candy?

You were a little surprised, didn't Stone say these were drugs? Maybe he was referring to something else, but these looked like the regular sweets you had back at home.

"It's, candy?" You were a bit confused, gently sticking your hand into the black drawstring bag and pulling out a single sweet, inspecting it intensely beneath the moonlight's cover.

"You seem a bit shell shocked," she'd took the singular piece of candy out of the grasp of your curious fingers and held it between her thumb and index, "you see, these ain't no ordinary candy, it's like how every place has their own way of making things, we like to call it a Ramshackle Special," She'd explain to you, carefully unwrapping the candy and tossing the wrapper who knows where.

"By far, these are my favorite," She'd pop the candy into her mouth, sucking on it since it seemed like a hard candy. And right before your eyes she seemed to relax more, her eyelids grew more dreary by the minute, letting her take an anxious sigh with the candy still in her mouth.

"Phew, I forgot how these things got me!" She exclaimed, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. She soon placed her hand on her cheek as it slowly drifted down her face, slowly laughing to herself as she looked at her hand whilst panting.

"Uh, you okay there?" Your hand slowly wandered to reach out and touch her shoulder.

Her eyes immediately rose, as if on cue, her blood pumped at the speed of lighting, and she grew a huge grin, a Skipp like grin.

"Yeahhh, I'm GREAT!" She'd cheer, grasping both of the sides of your arm and shaking you rapidly up and down in place, you obviously shrieked, unexpecting that of her as she rattled you up and down like a ragdoll so hard that you almost felt the roof shake. Still didn't know what had gotten to her, you'd assume giddy off the sugar she just intook?

"At this point, I think I might eat the whole bag!" She'd declare, snatching it up by the opening of the bag, overexcited as ever, you swore she looked like, and acted like she took nineteen benadryl on the spot. If this is what one candy, or 'Ramshackle Special' as she liked to call it, did to her, then you didn't want to see what she would be like if she ate the entire bag. It gave you shivers of realization, pressuring you to tug that godforsaken bag out of her hands and snatch it away like a greedy animal.

"Heyy, what's the big deal!" She'd waver around her hands annoyed, snorting that you had the audacity to steal the bag away from the known thief and part-time terrorizer herself.

"Maybe it's best if you don't eat them all?" You tried to suggest the idea to her, she seemed to ponder about it for a quick moment before responding with her own little rhyme of words.

"Ohhh, I get it, you want one, doncha?" She'd giggled, covering her mouth partly with her hand and poking your chest lightly. Without you even looking she had managed to snatch a lollipop out of the bag, wavering it tauntingly in front of your face before unwrapping it as another sign to detest your suggestion.

"Brr.. here comes the airplane!" She'd tap you on the lips with the head of a lollipop, having the candy, the most likely drugs disguised as sweets, candy, pressed against your lips gently.

You'd move a hand over to shove the lollipop away from your mouth, sliding it over to her direction. She'd giggle at this, shrugging and taking the candy into her mouth, that's when you realized the sun was majestically rising over the horizon. The spare flecks of sunlight hit Vinnie's face, making her long brown hair glisten before your eyes. She'd look around woozily, scooting closer to you before she plopped her head right on your shoulder and decided it would be a great place to nap. Not to mention how loud she snored, the lollipop still hanging out of the side of her mouth.

You'd sigh, trying to bring yourself to relax in this situation, but the constant snoring in your ear was making it very difficult. You vaguely poked Vinnie, shaking her to try and wake her up out of her deep slumber. She'd eruptly snorted, looking around confused, before her pupils locked onto the only person next to her, you.

"Does this mean we're friends now or...?" You'd jokingly ask, resting the side of your head with your spare palm.

"Friends?" She'd question you, still out of it as ever.

You'd simply nod at this, with a bit of a grin of your own.

"You better calm yourself pal, or else," She'd burp, sort of threatening you, but you know she really couldn't do anything with the state she was in, you were bound to take your chances.

"Or else, what?" You'd snort, awaiting her reply.

"Or else, you'll be an acquaintance!" She'd dig her finger into your chest all serious-like, before holding her stomach in, to let out a hardy laugh.

You would roll your eyes playfully at this, chuckling a bit yourself too.

"Suns rising already?" She'd ask, yawning, stretching her arms out.

You'd nod over to her direction, having the pleasure of bathing in the warm sunlight was a dream come true. Or more like a calming feeling, dream is a bit, much. But overall, you expected this night to go wrong in some rambunctious way, but it didn't? Wow, thank the universe for saving your ass tonight, huh? You could feel your aura finally calm down, relaxing in this absolute warzone of a town. With Vinnie no less. 

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