You Can't Hold Me Forever, I Didn't Sign Up With You

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Dashing down dark and broken streets, your pupils glistening brighter than the flickering street lamps you passed whilst sprinting. Almost tripping over minor chipped stones in the pavement, in short you ran as fast as your feet could take you. Even though it was never enough for you, you wish you could leave this wretched town, wish you never met them. As much as you wanted to wish for more other shit you were too preoccupied with running and not realizing that you didn't even know where you were running to in the first place.

Your shoes skidded against the hard stone brick pavement, almost tripping over yourself but you suddenly caught yourself with a nearby wall. Your fingers cementing into the grits of the brick wall, the soft skin of your fingers scraping against the rough and jagged brick texture. It almost felt like your fingernails were peeling off from how tight you were gripping the rough reddish brown brick wall. Finally, releasing the wall from your terrified grip, you inhaled, gasping dramatically, panting and breathing heavily as your entire body trembled.

You couldn't even describe the feeling in a sentence, no matter actually getting them into actual words, not like you had anyone to talk to out here. It was just your own self consciousness now, swaying back and forth, mockingly. You wanted to run away, you wanted to hide. But there was no hiding here, not in this big bustling city, you thought you were moving here for a life of opportunity but your whole opportunity got sucked down the drain, along with your dreams and aspirations. Your situation was now being basically homeless, having to rely on other homeless people to even get by.

Your hands trembled, gripping the other hand's knuckles, squeezing them tightly, as you pressed your back up to that cold, scratching brick wall. Breathing in and out rapidly didn't help you calm down, not one bit, in fact it got worse as you felt tears prick in your eyes and that inevitable feeling of your throat tightening. It was almost like someone was choking you, strangling you for your precious air that they wanted all to themselves. You tried to hold back the feeling of crying as it bottled up in your throat, again, tried you were really unable to as you clawed at your neck.

But the need to cry inevitably came, it was a flow of feelings, it was like you were holding back a river of tears because you really needed to cry that much. Your back hit the wall again, your legs collapsing on themselves as you fell to your knees. The harsh ground scuffed against your exposed knees, the stone digging into the side of your knees. Sniffling as you dropped your hands from your face, sadly breathing in and out, as you finally grasped the strength to pull yourself off from the ground and stand, not proudly though, you thought you lost all that already.

You finally decided to make the effort to actually observe your surroundings, which in case, did not help at all because in your mind, you were in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Not to mention it was dark out, the creepy kind of dark you experienced when you were with Stone and Skipp. Just this time you weren't, they were gone, you left and you're just not even sure if you'll even see them again. The bricks in the wall you were sitting against prodded into your back harshly, making the moment even more tense and suspense driven.

It was made even more outrageously worse when you heard the sudden loud chatter of some drunk bastard, only a few feet away from you, you were near a pub. As you tried to make an attempt to look over your shoulder to see the pub's name you were abruptly stopped as your face accidently bumped into the drunk dude's chest.

"Oh uh, mm, sorry there, didn't see ya!" He gave you a dopey smile as he hiccupped the words over to you.

Your face was the almighty apathy of disgust, scrunching back from just the smell and the look of this guy. But, that was when you also came to terms with that leaving large gaps between talking make the conversation very awkward, because this was a real conversation and not one made up in some dumb fucking fanfiction.

"You're mm, real pretty, luv," He leaned over to you, placing his hand above your head on the wall you were against.

"Mind if I take you home with me?" He'd smirked at you, leaning in closer, making you extremely anxious.

You took a humongous inhale, laughing awkwardly and trying to back away from the man inch by inch, "Listen I bet your a real great guy and all that, but I gotta deny the offer," You quickly slipped out of his grasp, trying to speed walk away from him but sadly he didn't get the message to politely fuck off.

"C'mon, babe what's the rush?" He'd placed his gross, grimey mits on your shoulder creeping you out even more.

You'd grimaced, frowning, struggling to get out of their tight, drunken grip. That's when you saw it, a flash of human dog-like running towards you two. It was Vinnie, to be honest you were surprised as she rushed the man, whilst barking? It was strange to say the least but it worked because she literally mauled him, like a dog. You feeble, meek eyes watched in horror as Vinnie viciously left his clothes into shreds and made him shriek for the hills.

Vinnie stood up, muscles swelling with adrenaline and angry beyond all belief. She huffed and a piece of the man's pants flew out of her mouth and landed on the ground. She growled at the sight of the man before slowly relaxing herself and turning to you with big, puffy, dread filled eyes.

You were suddenly pulled into a large bear hug from both behind you and in front of you, you quickly assumed it was both Vinnie and Skipp because there was no third hug present.

"Y/N, do you have any idea how worried we were?!" Vinnie pulled back from the hug, gripping you tightly by the shoulders and shaking you rapidly back and forth.

You even heard Skipp sniffle a sob into the back of your clothes and blow his nose loudly in them as he rubbed his head against you for comfort.

"How did you guys even know where to find me?" You were perplexed on the fact they knew your exact location.

"Oh, Stone has a pub radar," Vinnie simply explained, pointing to the pub behind you all.

"His alcohol senses were tingling," As much as a 'what the fuckery' explanation was that, you had to simply nod and accept it because you literally couldn't come up with any other conclusions.

"Anyways, now that we've found you we can get you back to the alley," Vinnie exclaimed, leading the trio to all walk away trying to tug you all along with them.

This was your chance, your chance to tell them everything you've been feeling to explain that you're not following right along their side anymore. Your fed up and tired of their stupid shenanigan's, you promptly dug your feet into the pavement below, stopping you and Vinnie's movement.

"Actually Vinnie, I don't think I'll be coming back to the alley, I'll be leaving permanently, forever," Everything you've wanted to say came out, in a strong beautiful sentence of words, a sentence you were proud to say.

But you didn't get the satisfactory look of Vinnie being distraught, in fact she was the opposite, just wincing her eyes with a straight judgmental look plastered on her face, "Uh huh."

It seemed to look like she gave some sort of signal to Skipp and Stone because before you knew it you were promptly thrown over Stone's shoulder and were currently being kidnapped to be dragged back to the alleyway.

"THIS IS KIDNAPPING!" You yelled angrily, trying to struggle out of Stone's overwhelming tight grip.

"Pfft, noo, we're just moving you!" Vinnie shrugged smugly, smiling at you.

"This is a crime!" You shrieked yet again, still trying to get out of the bone tight trip.

"Listen, it's not a crime if you don't get caught," She replied in that sly and slick manner of hers, simply booping your nose, and that was that, your screams of failed escape were heard throughout the Ramshackle streets as you were dragged to that goddamn alleyway.

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