No Matter Which Card You Play, You're in For Heavy Weather

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 Walking through the poor parts of Ramshackle was a constant, you were surprised that they even had a rich part. It was like it was a different place entirely, no pickpocketers, or homeless kids, and the streets were eerily quiet. Talk about polar opposites, this was a change of pace. The houses weren't the common slums you'd see placed around the less wealthy parts of Ramshackle. They were either large townhouses or actual mansions, that were placed respectively apart from each other, unlike the closed in slums trying so desperately to get more room between each other.

To put it point blank you were in awe, your hometown had a wealthier district, but it was nothing like this. The night sky actually felt calming here, and not out of some shitty horror flick. Like it felt you could finally breathe, this section was way less polluted than the previous one.

You were lightly tapped on the shoulder, you turned over expectantly, "Heey, Y/N, you good?" A voice slurred in your ear, and you were met face to face with Vinnie's smug grin. You jolted up at her being so close, you nodded rapidly, scooting away from her. The peace you felt from before quickly left, with Vinnie's invasion of privacy, a vague reminder of how shitty the situation you were in was.

Strolling past the well-lit houses and spotless streets you finally reached your destination, the banquet hall. It was huge in size, easily towering over any mansion around here. Not to mention you could hear the music and loud chatter from here. You could feel the tension of the situation, grasping that large gold-plated door handle in hopes that all would go well when you entered. But you were shoved to the side by none other than Vinnie, opening the door for you all because you were a little too caught in the moment there.

Classical music and brisk pompous air surrounded you all, as well as well-dressed people filling the hall, a few dancing, some gossiping. Glancing around you really didn't recognize anyone, not that you expected to see some hobo kids here or something, but you quickly changed your mind when you spotted those orange strands of neatly placed hair.

It was none other than Tre, the local cop wannabe, who was sitting at a dinner table surrounded by other high-class individuals. He looked a bit uncomfortable to be honest, glancing around awkwardly until his stare caught onto you four, knowingly. Oh god, he knew, didn't he? That's why he chose to excuse himself from the conversation to personally make his way over to you all.

"Is that Tre?" Vinnie whispered over to you, hand fan covering half of her face.

"His haircut looks stupider than usual," She'd snickered, covering her mouth with the fan trying to conceal her laughter. His hair was parted to the sides from the hairline of his head, making his already pompous haircut make him look like an uptight asshole indeed. His tall form scaled over you all, looking down with a glare, he finally spoke up.

"Do I know you four?" He'd bended down to your heights, glaring at you suspectedly.

You could tell Vinnie was sweating buckets at this point, pushing herself forward as complimentary tribute to sacrifice, distracting Tre.

She'd clear her throat prior to speaking, gasping dramatically and putting on the stereotypical rich feminine voice, "Oh my, are you the great Officer Tre?!" She'd giggle to herself, fanning the fan in her face.

His whole serious tone faded away, replaced with an awkward out of touch one, "Oh, uh, yes, madam-" He soon cut himself off as his nose scrunched up and his face twisted into ultimate disgust.

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