Sure, You've Hit the Bottom, But Now You'll Be Building from The Ground Up

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 To describe how you felt right now was an ultimatum in itself, you basically felt as if you were trapped in a ring of blazing fire, which you felt was invisible to everyone else, but you. Your eyes shot back and forth, scanning through the many different expressions of the people, as varied and divergent as their appearances on the outside were, you could see their inner emotions.

And as for Vinnie, she was too busy antagonizing Tre with any stupid shit she'd could conjure out of her mind. Your surprised Tre hasn't arrested her already, although as much as you wished it was over, it was pretty entertaining, to say the least. They circled each other, Tre at this point gripped his hat in his fist as some makeshift stress ball. You assumed Tre was off duty because he wasn't in his regular police uniform, he was dressed in that tacky detective outfit again.

The various townspeople brought their attention to Vinnie specifically, hurling accusations at the girl. "She stole our money!" adjoining with, "She's a thief!"

As the chiming voices continued, an even larger crowd eventually developed. A very angry one at that, spewing accusations and statements full of fury, "She even stole my glasses, I saw her with my two eyes!" a particular old man with an eye patch over his left eye. A fellow member of the crowd replied to him, just as frazzled as he was. "Shuddup, ya only got one eye!" Another member of the crowd erupted into a fit of laughter at the rebuttal, quickly being drowned out by others still fussing over petty crimes.

Vinnie was vaguely interested in this, sending a quick glance their way, "C'mon, do I look like a thief? She sent a quick knowing glance at Tre, "I'm a police officer," She'd place a hand proudly on her chest, pointing to her shiny police badge imitating Tre and mocking him all those times before.

Tre was quick to sputter out a rebuttal, "NO YOU, STOLE THAT BADGE, FROM ME!" He'd waver his arms around like a madman.

"Did I?" Vinnie would loudly grin at Tre, wiggling her eyebrows at him, whilst multiple stolen items of value found their way out of her hair. The crowd seemed to shout, that was enough proof for them to clobber the living daylights out of her. You were still processing how they magically got torches and pitchforks out of thin air. But you knew you needed to get out of there because your life depended on it.

Glancing over at Stone and Skipp for support or at least any kind of help, you watched in awe as Tre sprinted after Vinnie as she ran, using Stone and Skipp as obstacles to make her harder to catch up to.

"OUT OF THE WAY, IVRE!" Tre shouted, shoving Stone out of the way, making him dramatically tumble over hitting the ground with an unceremonious, Splat!

You were looking around like a dumbass wondering when to start running until you were swiftly grabbed by the wrist and tugged forward to run. Your feet struggled to catch up with the person pulling on you, surprisingly it being Vinnie, you don't know how she escaped that barricade of a crowd and Tre, but you didn't spend much time pondering it.

But life had a way of biting you in the ass, you ultimately stumbled and tripped bringing Vinnie down with you. You could hear the angry mob coming this way, closing in on both of you, from your front and behind.

All of a sudden, you and Vinnie were snatched backward, into nonother than an alleyway, you felt as if you were held down in some sort of tight grip on your shoulder from behind, you let out a loud yelp and struggled as hard as you could, seriously not expecting this coming.

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