Run Away and Lead a Life Without Consequence

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 The sounds of clashing feet with the pavement below surrounded you. The annoying dead silence was filled with mild occurring footsteps. You wish you could fill that dead silence with something more uplifting, but there wasn't much to say after escaping a graveyard you left in cinders.

"That sure went out with a blast huh, guys?" Skipp tried to break the silence with a play on words about what just happened. I guess there was something to say after all.

As much as the dead silence wanted to be wished away by all of you, it stayed as a permanent reminder of the unnerving situation. So, you walked for blocks, not the most exciting thing, in the plot, I know. Finally, the wretched cretin that Stone had to carry awoken from her entranced daze.

"Mmgh, hungry," Vinnie muttered out, squirming around in Stone's arms as he held her like you would hold a pesky cat or a briefcase.

"Oh, you're awake?" Stone seemed overjoyed at this finding, stopping his current walking altogether. "Great," He made no second thought to drop her body onto the hard, cold concrete below. You watched as she plopped pathetically face-first on the concrete quickly making her way of turning over onto her backside and scrunching up her face in a makeshift scowl.

"You're a realll gentleman, Stone," She'd clear her throat, lacing it with sarcasm as she dusted the plentiful specs of dirt off her tattered mess of a dress.

"I try my best," Stone shrugged as well as spat sarcasm back at Vinnie but it was more hard toned and sharp edged.

She'd put on a grouchy aroma as she stomped around to catch up with Stone's speedwalk, before her movements stopped and pupils grew small, aswell she plastered on an anxious face as she made an attempt to pat her nonexistent pockets.

"Stone, where's the money?" Vinnie fearfully blinked at him, her voice shrouded in agitation, looking around for the beautiful cash in anticipation.

He'd peer over his shoulder at this sight, before checking his trench coat, "I think it's-". Suddenly, Stone was cut off by an explosion from the said graveyard you all were escaping. You feasted your eyes on the wondrous sight before you, it was like a fiery tornado that appeared in front of you all, pieces of jade green money mixed in of course. Oh how irony burns.

"NOO!" Vinnie shrieked, dropping to her knees dramatically as she pounded on the hard concrete with her fists in almighty sadness. To rub the salt in more a small piece of money flew away from the explosion and landed right in front of her face, only then when she reached for it, it crumbled up into ashes. Vinnie obviously wasn't too pleased at this, in a quick flash she jerked her head in the direction of Stone, sending him a dirty scowl.

"You're telling me I had to sit through that whole ordeal just to get nothing?!" She'd exclaim, rightfully pissed off.

Stone stayed silent, maybe it was best he had no current comment on it.

"I had to sit through talking with Tre, and his goddamn parents!" She gripped her face in anguish, groaning.

"Pretentious little bitch boy," She'd cursed out the last words under her breath before getting off her knees and scraping the dirt off her clothes yet again, gripping her hands into fists.

"I'm guessing you're sober now?" Stone would make a sly remark, rolling his eyes at Vinnie's whole angry getup.

She'd dramatically gasp, placing her hand on her chest, "Is this how you feel?!"

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