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SONG REC: Doin time -Sublime

Oh god. What is going on. I opened my eyes, the dark room flooded with moonlight coming in through the slits in the curtains. Who was that? I looked to my clock, ungodly hours. The sound of a branch breaking could be heard outside my window. I got up to check, opening my curtains. On the other side of the glass, I was greeted with a tall, slim figure. It stood there, looking straight at me. The eyes of the figure eerily glowed through some sort of mask over the face. I stood there, frozen in place, eyes locked with the figure. In one sudden movement, it turned away and vanished around the side of my house. How was it not being killed by mobs? Maybe it was mob. I decided to brush it off, I know, not the best idea but what do you expect for someone to do when they see a mysterious figure at the ungodly hours of the night- sorry morning.
I concluded I would most likely not be going back to sleep so I decided to grab a drink. I was out of food items, so I decided on going to town. I quickly changed in my small bathroom, wincing at the pain in my ribs. Shit. The bruise on the side of my ribs was worse as I recall the painful fall I did a few days ago. I put on my shawl and grabbed my weapon, compass, map, and all the necessities for going into town. I headed out of my house and made sure to look around for any mobs. I pulled my mask out of my inventory and clipped it into place on my face, covering the years worth of scars and cuts I have gotten from battle. I was blinded in one eye, a scar going from the corner of my mouth all the way to the top of my eyebrow. He got me pretty good. I fumbled with my water bottle, opening and placing it up to my lips. The liquid poured out and quenched my dry, cracking mouth. I wiped my chin under my mask and continued my trek to the village. I passed a few animals along the way, getting food to clean and cook in town. Every now and then, I heard a noise, and looked back to "see" a figure watching me. Thought as soon as I did a double take, it was gone.

"Whatever." I mumbled to myself.

I hurriedly walked over to the nearest trade post once I got to town, making sure I had my mask and my other belongings. I started to barter, and also sell a few of my other items. Then I heard a scream. Not a playful one, but a loud, horrifying, blood curdling scream. It came from a house down the road. The streets were unusually empty today, so not many people but the ones around me heard it. Then a woman burst out of a house, blood on her hands. She ran to me, I guess I was closest and she hugged me right, pointing to what I could assume was her house. People rushed up and tried to calm the sobbing woman. Once she was hugging another person, I went to investigate. I creeped up to the house, weapon unsheathed, and looked in the door. The sight before me was so gruesome, so, bloody, it made me gag. Blood, splattered on the walls, floors, ceiling, everywhere.

(Demon slayer scene)

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(Demon slayer scene)

I shuddered at the sight of the gruesome scene. My breathing quickened. This looks awfully familiar. This scene. This, scenario. The family, murdered in the safety of their home. I winced once again at the pain in my breathing. I stalked into the room, weapon in hand. And that's when I saw him. The same man from all those years ago, or I guess, he was a just a boy like me. The boy who did this to my face. He turned to me, and after a quick second to scan my face and body, his features dropped behind his mask.

"I-it's you."

VeRy pRodUctiVe I GueSs

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