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We had been traveling for about a day, going by horse. We had been going back in the direction of Sucâre town, so maybe we would go shopping? The trail had mostly been engulfed in silence, except for the sound of birds chirping and the clomping of the horses hooves.

"So, uh, Y/n- what we're you doing in town that day?" I said, hoping to break the silence.

"You know, shopping. I ran out of food items."
He shrugged.

"So do you live by yourself- uh-"
Am I fucking slow?
Why in the absolute holy prime did I say that? Fucking of course he does!

He stared at me, then looked ahead.
"Obviously." He said flatly.


A few days earlier

"Why did you bring me here?"
It was a good question, but it was in fact, one I didn't know the answer too.

"You know what, I don't want to know. Whatever sick game your playing at, leave me out of it." He said angrily.
"Please." He requested, but didn't sound angry like he did before. He sounded... sad.


We continued on the trail, and I had to break the uncomfortable silence. I couldn't go on like this.

"Listen, Y/n. I- I never wanted this." I stopped my horse in front of his, causing it to stop as well.
He looked at me, his full attention mine.

"What do you mean by 'this'?"

"I mean this!" I gestured to the area around us. "I didn't want to do it that day."

He rolled his eyes at me and remarked, "Oh yeah, so let me guess, your the victim here."

"No! That's not what I'm saying!" I yelled. He flinched slightly but made an effort to hide it and return his face back to its stoic expression.

"Then what is it? Cause please go on, I'm listening!" He yelled back, anger reflecting throughout his voice and his expressions.

"God will you just listen to me! I'm sorry about what happened, but it wasn't my decision! I was forced! He made me do it!" I screamed. I couldn't get it through that i wasn't the one to fault here. Yeah I was the one who did it, but I didn't want to.

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting the puzzling feelings he must have felt.
"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about my employer. It was supposed to just be a quick job. Nobody was supposed to get hurt. All it was, was a simple robbery. He directed me to steal something of possession from the mother. The family was supposed to be gone, but they were all at the house. We hid in the distance, and he told me to handle it." I sighed, it hurt to tell this story again. The story that made the habits begin. "He told me to kill you." I looked up, and he could still only stare at me with a look mixed with hurt and shock.
"I couldn't. I couldn't just kill someone. But he threatened me. Threatened my family. He said if I didn't do it he would take everything away from me." My eyes stung with years worth of unspilt tears, and I had to look up to meet his gaze.

His eyes softened when he looked at me, and then he spoke, "so you did it. To protect the ones you love." His eyes downcast and his voice low, tears formed in his eyes. They spilt over his lash line and cut through the small layer of grimy sweat from the hot air.

"Yes. I'm sorry I- " I started, but couldn't finish my scentence.


Y/n's brother.

I trotted along the trail on my horse, and dear god it was hot. I need to find Y/n. I swear if he ended up at that pigs house-
I stopped my horse at the sound of voices.
I instantly recognized one as Y/n, and a smile appeared on my face. But soon, I immediately recognized the other. Shit.


•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now