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The mask across the upper half of his face was some kind of pig, cracked and splattered with blood.

"I-it's you." The masked man said, his mouth quivering slightly. "From all those years ago. I- I thought I killed you!" He said, his voice raising to a firm yell at the end of his sentence. "But this- this can't be right. You, you were dead. You are dead. How- how are you here then?" He asked, Oliver's mind racing with thoughts and anger bubbling in his stomach.

•Masked Man POV•
It can't be him. I killed him. He's dead. Gone. Forever. I slit his face open, and then drove my sword into him. Unless, this is just some lookalike copy and paste type shit?

"Well go on, say something! Who are you if you aren't Y/n!" I cried, the guilt getting to me. I murdered his family. And then I killed him. The way his eyes pleaded for life still haunts me to this day. But I was young. Foolish. I let him control me. He offered up the job as a mere tax collection, and he came with me. I let him get in my head. He made me kill him.  Same eyes, same brown hair, there's no way it's not him.

•Y/n POV•

What do I say? I can't move. You'd think that with the shit I see, I would be used to it but- this? This caught me off guard. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. Finally when somebody entered behind me, their eyes wide at the scene, the man fled. Or rather, Technoblade fled. I nodded to the person behind me, and without wasting a second, I ran after him. Dodging wagons and people, jumping over stalls and obstacles trying to keep up.
My ribs. They constricted, and I could not breath. Shit. I forgot my broken ribs-
My breathing quickened, coming out in large puffs. He dodged around a corner and when I turned he was gone. Where did he go? I suddenly felt a hard blow to my side, straight in the ribs.
He must have hit me with the butt of the sword because no real damage was done, except to my ribs. I toppled over, heaving breathlessly as the man stood over me. I clutched at my chest in agony, as if trying to pull my skin away from my body. Tears formed in my eyes at the pain, and I could feel my lungs collapsing. Or at least, that's what it felt like before it went black.


Oh god. Is he dead? How did he die? I didn't even hit him hard. Wait, why would such a light hit hurt him? Unless he had a heart attack? No. I didn't intend for him to die. He wasn't even supposed to be here. That little bitch slipped out of my grasp and ratted on me, so in turn he got involved. He can't die for no reason. At least that family had reasons to die, but not him. I don't do that shit. I could just leave him, but my body moves on it's own. I picked him up bridal style and walked into the forest where my horse was hidden. God what am i doing. I set him upon my horse, Carl. I mounted my steed and we trotted through the forest at a fast pace, on a little dirt road through different biomes. Soon we reached the snow biome, snow scattered across the ground, covering everything like trees and rocks. A large castle appeared in view in the distance. As we trotted to the entrance, I dismounted my steed and put him in the stables. I carried the brunette man into the palace and up to my room. Even though it's a palace, I only have one bedroom. All the other rooms are for training or storage. I set him on my bed, noticing his clothes were soaked with snow like mine. He wouldn't mind if I replaced his clothes, right? I mean, if I didn't, he could get sick and even more injured. If anything, he would thank me, right? God I hope so. I pulled out a pair of loose trousers and a large cloth green shirt.

I carefully sat him upright, noticing a change in his face from the pain. I had to be carefully, unbuttoning his current shirt. I opened it up to see, a huge bruise, and a large cut running down his side. No wonder a blow like that would hurt. No wonder! My guess is that he had already been hit, or maybe he had a broken rib. Ok this is kinda weird, but he is really buff. He must do training everyday or something. My face heated as I replaced his shirt, knowing there was nothing I could do for his ribs, then I placed a warm cover around him and let him rest.

827 words not including a/n
Some weird shit my guy. I feel high.

Song rec: (or recs) Hayloft AND Hayloft II by Mother Mother
Listen to Hayloft before Hayloft II it's like a series thing almost
Anyways also listen to Late Night Talking by Harry Styles

Anyways have a good night/day/afternoon/morning!!

•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now