
377 11 19

Techno pov

I looked up and saw him. I hadn't seen him since I said I wanted out. Schlatt.
Y/n followed my gaze and his eyes lit up when he saw the other male. What? They both jumped off their horses and ran to each other. They ran into a tight embrace, and all I could do was stare.

"Y/n thank god your ok! I went to your house and you weren't there-" he cut himself off as he looked up and down at Y/n. He noticed the open shirt and the bandages on his side, and his face filled with panic.

"Oh dear god what happened? Are you badly hurt?"

"Nothing, I got into a fight with a zombie, and it knocked me off a fucking cliff- can you believe it?" He said, red tinted his face.

"Oh thank god your ok now. I can't believe you scared your big brother like that."



•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now