
376 11 17

Y/n Pov

All I could think about was this weird tension between Technoblade and Schlatt. They glared at each other most of the time, and I didn't know if I should ask if they knew each other or not. I decided to, cause I need to know the answer.

"Do you guys know each other?" I said, and neither one of them looked at me nor responded.

"No." Schlatt finally said. Ok, it's still weird with the tension they have. Eh, whatever.

I could feel bumps on the back of my neck raise every time he looked at me with his stupid, annoying ass fucking smirk.

I can't tell Y/n that his own brother did this to him.

That fateful day, where paths crossed, people were murdered, and lives changed.

(Aka the day Technoblade murdered Y/n's family)

"There is the house. Wait- what is that-?" Schlatt said, puzzled at the sight. "Shit, the family is still there." He said, and whipped his head around quickly to see a brunette boy on the path behind us. We dove even deeper into the bushes as to not be spotted. Why is this guy walking so slow?

"You need to take them out." He said, without a moments hesitation.

The statement hit me like a truck. How? I'm only 16! I've never killed anyone before.

"You have too. We need that item today. If you don't go in there, there will be consequences."

"But- I-I've never killed anyone!" I cried, I could even consider it.

"Fine. We will see how you feel after tommy's funeral." He said calmly.

My eyes widened. His... funeral? I couldn't stand the thought of Tommy leaving this world. I could only stare at Schlatt. I started to panic.

"I can- I- I can't - I can't do it-" I stuttered, and my breathing picked up its pace.

"Fine. Wilbur too?" He continued to add more people. Usually I would say no, but I already knew he had the power to do it. It's as if my body moved on its own. I felt like a prisoner to Schlatts will. I couldn't disobey, or there would be great consequences. I can't do this to an innocent family. I ran at the other kid, who I judged to be my age, and slashed his face. He screamed in agony and fell to the ground. I couldn't stick around to see what would happen, the family already heard his scream. But- the blood. The blood was everywhere. It had splattered into my clothing and my hands, and some of it had gotten on my face. My hands shook but I couldn't stop now. My families lives depended on it.
I ran into the house and hit them where they were blind. The girl and who I assumed where the mother fell to the ground as tears spilt from my eyes. I can't believe I murdered these people. I just- I just murdered them. From behind me, I heard a creak of the floor, and without looking, I slashed at the person. I knew it wasn't schlatt. So that was all that mattered right? Wrong.

"Oh god- what did I do." I cried, falling to my knees next to the boy. Tears spilt out of my burning eyes as I wept next to the boy, now lifeless.

"I'm so sorry..."


•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now