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Y/n Pov

Ugh, what the fuck- I feel high.
I opened my eyes to a dimly lit room, fire dancing in the fireplace. Light flickered across my face as I tried to sit up. My face twisted in pain as I fell back down. It felt like I was being stabbed in my lungs. Oh shit, I hope that blow to my ribs didn't damage the bones. Oh god I hope it didn't puncture a lung-
No- I'm fine. If it got punctured I would have been dead. Have I been out long? I scanned the room to my left, facing the fire place. Shit, where am I?
I looked to my right and saw a chair, and the door out of the room. From what I saw outside the window, it was snowing. It wasn't snowing at home, so-
Fuck how long was I out and where the fuck am I??

I heard creaking come from the other side of the door as I looked at the foot of the bed to see my clothes, neatly folded and my weapon leaned against the bed post. Who would take take the time to wash my clothes, and care for me? I look to the side to the chair to see a sword leaned on it. Draped on it was- the cape. Was it, Technoblade that brought me here? No, he's a murderer. He wouldn't. But my suspicions were pretty much confirmed when I saw his crown laying on the chair. I heard muffled voices from the other side of the door as I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. I heard the door open and what I recognized as technoblades voice and one other.

"What do you think? Will he be ok?" Technoblade said, worry laced in his voice.

"Hmm." The other voice said as it came closer, settling next to me. A hand gently lifted the edge of my shirt, hoping neither of them saw my face flinch from the touch.

"He has a pretty big contusion, looks a few weeks old. There is  also a cut, but it looks like it stopped bleeding a while ago. How did this happen?"
There was a small silence before Technoblade began to talk again.

"Well he was chasing me and- I hit him with the butt of my sword. But I didn't hit him hard, I swear! But he fell and started hyperventilating, and I guess he might have already had that before I hit him," he rambled. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I told myself I would hurt innocent people and I- I just-" his breath quickened.

"It's ok techno. Let me look at it." The man's soft fingertips grazed my side, and my face flinched again. Cold metal pressed against my skin and I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent moving.

"What is it Phil?" So that his name. The other man.

"A broken rib. 3 of them. From getting hit by your sword, it didn't do it. He must've already had it along with the cut," who I assume was Phil said.

"Ok. That good." He let out a shaky breath. I could hear him pace.

"Your getting soft." Phil's voice said.

The pacing stopped and Technoblades breathing quickened again.

"Wh-what? What would make you think that?"

"You just murdered a family. Now your here pacing the room for a guy you met once."

"Technically twice, but shut up Phil! It's getting late. Don't leave Kristen waiting. I'm sure Tommy wouldn't appreciate it either." He practically whispered the first part.
Phil let out a chuckle and gathered his belongings before leaving. The door clicked shut and Technoblade let out a breath. He walked to the side of the bed and sat on the edge.

"What is wrong with me?" He said to himself.
"I shouldn't be doing this." There was a pause before he spoke again."I'm sorry for what I did to your family. I'm so sorry. I never wanted to do it." With that, he got up and left the room. The door hit the latch and footsteps receded down the hall. My eyes opened to a brightness of sunlight flooding the room. Did he really mean all that? He murdered my family. How could he feel sorry for me? This time, I took my time to sit up, adjusting to the pain in my ribs with every inch I lifted up. Once I was fully upright, I looked down at my chest. I had a loose button up on. It was unbuttoned, showing my chest and abs. I had a nasty bruise on my side though. I slowly brought my legs to the side of the bed, and stood. I stumbled forward as pain shot up my side. I grabbed my sword, connecting it to my pants to hold it in place. I slid my feet in my lace up boots, that went to my lower shins. I left my stuff in place, knowing I would come back. Maybe he isn't willing to fight, nor am I in condition to. I creaked the door open and peered into the hall. Light flickered from the large opening in the hall and heard the same two voices. I went the other way and found the restroom. I looked in the mirror at my shaggy brown hair and the dark circles under my eyes. I looked like shit. I pulled my shirt open to see the bruise, appearing even larger than what I could see, stretching from my waist line to the bottom of my armpit. The cut along my side was healing, but getting hit by the sword opened it up again. It started to bleed once I stood up, and i realized getting up might not have been the best idea. I winced as I gently touched it with my fingers, then reslised I didn't have my mask on. I must've left it in the room. I heard footsteps head down the hall and enter the room, opening the door before stopping.

"Guys Y/n is gone-!" Phil said.

"What do you mean he's gone? I just saw him!" Technoblade yelled back.

"No mate he's fucking gone!" Another voice yelled. There's more? Who the fuck else is here?

"Well he probably didn't go far, his clothes are still here." A different female voice said.

"You said he has 3 broken ribs right? So I imagine he probably didn't even leave the castle." yet ANOTHER voice said. Shit now there's five? Oh god.

•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now