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Oh fuck me. This is my luck. I peeked my head out of the doorway to see all five now standing in the hall, facing the opposite direction. I slid my shirt off, ripped a strip of it off, and wrapped the cloth around my torso. It quickly seeped red with the blood oozing out of my side. It probably wouldn't do much, but maybe they won't attack if they see I'm hurt. Well, they probably won't attack anyways, but I need to leave. I quietly tiptoed out of the small room across the hall to a larger room. It looked like a kitchen. I quickly filled the flask I was carrying with me with water, and continued down the hall. I stopped at what looked like a lounge room and sat down, the continuos pain in my side growing with each step I took. I sat on the edge and leaned over, putting my head in my hands. I feel so... tired? My head is spinning. My vision fades to black and I fall back onto the couch. Not again...

"Techno he's in here!"

Techno pov

"Oh thank god you found him." Phil said to Tommy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We should probably take him back to the bed, that doesn't look very comfortable."
I nod and pick him up, admiring his calm features for the millionth time.

"Maybe he went to use the restroom?" Wilbur said, and I nodded knowing that probably wasn't far off.
Or he got freaked out and tried to leave.

A bead of sweat rolled on his forehead and down his chin. Phil felt his forehead and quickly pulled away.

"Jesus, he's burning up. I'll get him a compress. Take him back and open the window, but leave the blanket." Phil commanded.

I carried him back to the room before doing what Phil directed.

What's going to happen when he's healed? Will he leave? I looked down at his closed eyes. His long eyelashes sweeping over his eyelids. His mouth relaxed. His hair messy, but everything about the calm of his look was... beautiful. My face heated at the thought and I left the room. I can't think things like that. That's not right.

Y/n Pov again lol
I opened my eyes again. Shit! I passed out again-
I felt, hot. The breeze from the window blew against my face making me shiver. My body was burning up. My hands and feet were sweating, and my hair was wet from sweat. I turned to see a blonde man with a green striped hat and black wings folded behind him. He had a blonde stubble. He was turned and looking at the window. His eyes changed to look down towards the movement, making eye contact with me. He jumped,  I guess from me being awake.

"Ah, your awake! I didn't know you would wake so soon." I didn't know what to say back. I just stared at him, before sitting up, my side hurting and i winced. This must've been Phil. I recognized his voice.

"Ay wait don't hurt yourself. Take it slow. You have three broken ribs and a nasty laceration on your side." I look down to see the same bandages I put on myself.

"Where am I?" The first words I had spoken.
My voice sounded deeper than normal. It had not been long since I used it last, right? I coughed and pain shot up my side. I winced and placed a hand to my side, which I immediately regretted and even more pain made itself present.

"Hey be careful, I know it hurts but try not to overstimulate yourself." 
The door opened and in burst another blonde boy, he looked much younger that Phil though. A tall brunette man trailing right behind him.

"Techno is out right now. It took us forever to convince him you'd be alright with us. He feels bad about what happened. He didn't leave your side for the first few days either." Phil talked with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry for the informality, I'm Phil. That child is Tommy-"

"I'm not a child you fucking cunt." Tommy replied.

•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now