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⚠️Heavy blood mentions⚠️

It's so cold...
Where is my mom? I reach up and touch my face, my fingers coming away stained in blood. A small slit near my eyebrow stung. When did this happen? I remembered a flash of red in the white snowy surroundings, but that's it. I looked down, a large, growing pain spreading across my face as I see a large puddle of red in the snow. My vision feels off, and I realize I can't open my left eye. I tentatively touch my face, the pain growing with every little movement, every little flinch I make. The wood I was collecting was spread everywhere, the carrier broken. I use every ounce of my power to pick myself off the ground. My body was heavy, like it was being pulled down towards the earth. I looked up to my house in the distance, a still silence in the air. My legs moved one at a time. Left, right. I picked up the pace and finally reached the door. I slid the door open and the sight infront of my pulled my stomach into a knot. Blood. Everywhere. I gagged and the knot in my stomach tightened before anything I had previously eaten emptied out of my stomach. My energy felt as if it was bleeding out of me, and I fell to my knees. My mom, my sister. They're all-they're all gone. Dead. Murdered. I heard footsteps and heavy breathing behind me, and I saw my brother. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me backwards into a tight hug. He came from a business trip, and he went with my other older brother. But there my older brother lay, his face motionless, his chest impaled with a single red rose. My family wasn't so lucky to have graceful deaths though. My mom, her neck cut open in the side. I can't even begging to describe my sisters. She was older than me, 26 at the most. Now age means nothing to her. My brother started to cry and pulled me away. I grabbed his jacket and sobbed into it.

Holy shit. That dream again. I hate it. It makes me relive the worst memories. If only my brother were here. He would protect me. He would hold me and let me cry. Wait, shit he was supposed to visit me! He was supposed to visit on the 11th, I read from his note he sent me! I sit up out of the bed, not at risk of my laceration opening again but still need to be weary with my broken ribs. I had been here for about a week now, and Kristen and Phil had mainly taken care of me. They reminded me so much of my mother, and my brother. Mainly because my father wasn't in the picture. I looked at the desk in the corner of the room, and grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen.

"Dear brother, do not worry, I am safe. I am not exactly sure where I am, but it is in a snow biome. I am in a large castle. I think it's outside of Sucâre town. If you try to find me, come unarmed.

That should be enough information, right? I slid the letter into an envelope and put the pen back in its place. I sealed the letter and tried to think of any way I could get it to him. Shit, I don't even know where he is. Would Technoblade send it? Probably not, he will probably think I'm trying to escape.
I forgot! We have a method for this! I open up my pack at the bottom of the bed and grab my matches. I strike a match and whisper an enchantment. The flame glows green and I place it under the letter. The letter dissolved in my hand and the flame dies out. Our mother showed us her magical way to call out for each other if we ever get lost. It should be showing up to him right about- now?

??? Pov
I look up to a green flickering at my side, the letters my mother showed us how to give. It must be Y/n. Thank goodness, if soemthing had happened to him- He wasn't there when I showed up to his house, and it was cold, and hollow. I grab the letter and open it up.
Sucâre? The town about half a day on foot from here? I quickly gather myself and start on the trek. Why would he resort to old magic? Is he in danger? Whatever it is, it can't wait. I pick up my pace into a jog as I turn down the hill. I could get to the town before sundown, at least.


•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now