Thirteen. ENDING

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I'm sorry if chapters are getting slightly shorter, but content is not dropping. If I do one chapter that's half the length of a regular one, I'll just post two of them to make up for it. Good? Ok.

Phil pov
What was that yelling? I walked downstairs to see Technoblade, crouched on to the floor. He never looked like this. He was actually crying.

"Techno? Are you ok?" I ran over to him and dropped to his side. Kristen came down the stairs behind me.

"It's Y/n- he- he just left. I told him about hi-s brother and he didn't believe me." His sobs broke his words up into pieces that were almost unintelligible. I understood what he said though.

"He said he was leaving with his brother. They are probably already gone." He said, getting up. He opened the door and walked around the house to where the gravel path was. I saw three horses still there, and a man I didn't recognize at first. But then, I saw his horns. His god-awful horns that reminded us of the horrible things only one man was ever capable of.

"Schlatt is his brother?" I said nervously, not knowing what else to say. He only nodded.

"Well. What can I say? The gangs all here. You know, I'm impressed you managed to stay hidden this long." A voice that I truly did not miss called out.

Y/n pov.

Wilbur walked with me back towards the house, but I stopped him as I heard my brothers voice ring out.
"Now that I've found you, i might just have to kill alll of you." He said, spinning something in between his fingers. It was a small, gold disk. The heirloom. What? Why did he have that? And why did he say he would kill them? None of this makes sense!


But it does. My brother hired and forced someone to murder our family. And now he had the evidence right there in his hands.

I walked out from my hidden spot, Wilbur right behind me.

"Schlatt?" I called to him, and his face dropped as he shoved the conduit back into his pocket.

"Hey Y/n-! I was just telling them that we were leaving. Are you ready to go?" He asked, ignoring my look.

My eyes widened and all I could think about was what he did. What he did to our family. To our brother. To Technoblade. When he approached i pushed him away.

"You are a liar! I can't believe I ever thought you were my brother." I scoffed. I didn't feel like crying anymore. I just felt anger.

"Why? Why did you do this to our family? To mom, lane, and Tubbo?

... to me?"

He rose up from his sitting position on the ground, and smirked.

"Ah, so you've figured it out." He said, inching closer.

"I never loved that stupid family. They were just- hmmm, replacements. People who had something I wanted. The heirloom. That was all that was ever useful. I didn't need those simple beings, so I got rid of them. They were in my way."
My eyes widened and my hands shook from shock.

"So why keep me around? If you don't need me? Why did you even bother to find me?"

He pulled out the item in his pockets, and then looked back at me.
"It's simple really. You are the only one that can use our mothers maguc. This will only work with you. He looked down again at the heirloom, and clicked the button on the gold disk. Mom had always told us we needed magic to open it, but nothing else.

He grabbed my shoulder tightly with his hand and gave me the object with the other.

"Ow dammit schlatt that hurts-" I managed to say while he squeezed my shoulder tighter.

•Dressed To Kill• Technoblade x male reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now