1. Eating in the bedroom

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Warning- Eating/force-feeding kink, mention of eating disorder, and Smut
Enjoy 😀

It was a nice summer day. The sun was shining, a nice breeze outside, and the sky was clear. Henry was looking after William's kids and his kids for the day. 

The kids were running around playing games. Michael had his friends over and they were playing football. Charlie, Elizabeth, and C.C. were playing on the swings that were in the backyard. Henry was sitting on one of the lawn chairs William had outside of his house. He had a book to keep him entertained as he watched the kids.

After a while, C.C. came up to him. "Umm.. Henry?". Henry looked up from his book and looked at C.C., "yes, C.C?". "I'm kind of hungry" "oh, what do you want to eat?" C.C. shrugged his shoulders. "Here Let me ask the others what they want" "oh okay".

Henry got up and yelled, "HEY WHAT DO YOU KIDS WANT TO EAT!!" They all stopped what they were doing and Michael yells back, "SOME SPAGHETTI WOULD BE NICE!!" "YES, SPAGHETTI!!!" Yelled Elizabeth. "OKAY!!" Yelled Henry. He looks down at C.C. "are you okay with spaghetti?" He nods his head up and down. "you can go back to playing if you want" C.C. looks at him and then makes his way back to Elizabeth and Charlie.

Henry walked back into the house. He looks through the cabinet to look for the ingredients. He found what he need and then he started cooking.

After he finished cooking.

I open the back door and yell out "KIDS FOOD DONE!!!"

Henry sees all the kids running toward the door so he just moved aside and watches them all run in. He found it kind of funny.

" I WON!!" Yelled Elizabeth with joy, "Michael, your sister is a faster runner" said Jeremy,  "yeah tell me about it" "so are we going to eat or what?" Said, Mark. "Of course, I'm starving," said Frederick. "You're always hungry, Frederick," said Mark. Henry interrupted them and said, "Okay kids go get your plates so I can serve you,". With that everyone had a plate in hand ready to be served.

After Henry finished serving the kids they all took a seat at the table, and they all grabbed a soda from the fridge. Henry noticed that they all were eating so he made his way to the living room to watch some tv.

After a bit of flipping through channels Henry got on the kid's channel, he was about to switch it but Elizabeth came out of nowhere and told him not to. Henry didn't even notice she was standing there. "When did you finish eating?" "I just finished and I'm pretty sure Charlie is about to finish as well. "Oh okay".

Elizabeth walked over to the couch and sat next to Henry. After a bit of watching the cartoon, Charlie came out of the dining room. "You looked stuffed, sweetie" henry let a little chuckle get out as he talked. "Yeah, it was very good" she had a big smile on her face. She also sat down on the couch but she sat next to Elizabeth. 

After a bit of C.C., Michael and his three friends made their way to the living room. The coach didn't have any more room for another person so Michael,  Jeremy, Mark, Frederick, and C.C. sat on the floor.

Henry looked at the time it was 6:45. His attention went back to the kids when Elizabeth started yelling at Michael, and it was because Michael had changed the channel. He put it on the sports channel. Elizabeth kept on crying about it. "Michael just put on something that we all like". Michael looked at Henry and asked "do I have to, Henry" "yes, so Elizabeth can stop crying" "fine," he said in an annoyed tone. He ends up putting it on the Discovery channel. Everyone seems interested in it so that's what they all end up watching.

Midway Michael and all his friends started to get up, "where are you all going?" "Oh I'm going to stay over at, Mark," "is your dad okay with this?" "Yeah I asked him beforehand" "okay go ahead then" and with that Michael and all his friends ran out of the house.

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