Kids take over

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Olivia's POV

It has been a while. Roughly 20 plus years since my aunt whom adopted me married my elementary school principal, Parker Nivens. Back in elementary school, I was horribly bullied by a girl named Bernadette. Bernadette would tell our teachers and former principal, before Parker that I was the one doing the bullying and making fun of her when in fact it was strictly her doing it. I would constantly be told that if I didn't stop I would be kicked out of school for good. I didnt know what else to do.

So my auntie Siri had me place a recording device in my book bag to record everything from the classroom and entire school day. Well needless to say when the superintendent of the school system heard that I was in fact being bullied and not the other girl, he decided to investigate by coming in for a surprise visit. Well when he saw for himself what was happening, he quickly fired the teacher and principal at the time. But my issues didn't stop there. When my aunt and Parker started dating someone sent the superintendent pictures and it caused me and my aunt to move out of district because this was just enough for us. We had it. But then Parker transferred to my new school and my aunt and Parker got married shortly after. They had my sister Bristol Evangeline and my little brother Carmine Alexander. My sister and I both went into law and opened our own practice with our best friend, Irina whose brothers are friends with Carmine. My parents had some health issues happen over the last few years so we have paid off all major bills such as house, car payments. We help out with everything else if they need it. They have sizable savings but after all they have done for us, this is the least we can do for them. I love my aunt whom I do call mom now. Parker well he's the only father I have ever known. He never treated me any differently than Bristol or Carmine. I'm thankful for that, anyone could be thankful for that.

As I am sitting in my office going over a few cases that I could be covering, I over hear Irina on the phone. Whoever she is speaking to has her beyond upset. I stand at my office door.


~Irina~ tupoy idiot(stupid idiot), Lukas. Why would you do that?


~Irina~ I can't be your lawyer. I'm your sister and it would be a conflict of interest.


~Irina~ Lukas you are such an idiot. You went to a new dealer and it was a ATF undercover sting and got busted for what?


~Irina~ So let me get this straight. You went into the one gun store to purchase two brand new 9mm handguns all legally and they said you tried buying them illegally?


~Irina~ Okay let me see what I can do. I'm not saying I will be the one taking the case but what the ATF did was illegal. They falsified the report saying you illegally purchased the weapons which you didn't. I need to get the video footage from the shop and see what it shows. If this is what I think it is, they think they can take down the family mafia they are sadly mistaken.


~Irina~ Don't make me regret this!


~Irina~ poka glupaya golova(bye stupid head).

She hangs up the phone and slams her head down on the desk. She is beyond frustrated with whoever it was.

~Olivia~ Are you okay, Irina?
~Irina~ My brother Lukas went to a different gun shop to get 2 9mm hand guns because Carmine's shop didn't have them in stock but when he paid and filled out the correct paperwork and turns out it was an ATF sting and they are trying to say he illegally purchased them.
~Olivia~ Why would ATF do that? Has your family had any issues with them or any law enforcement agency?
~Irina~ No not in years. Well over 10 years. Since before Lukas took over from papa.
~Olivia~ Did he do anything prior to taking over like hurt a girl or anything by breaking up with them?
~Irina~ Honestly I can't remember. But Lukas or my papa never and I mean never did anything illegal. When he and momma got together. Papa rescued her from my grandpa who wasn't the nicest of men to anyone. He did the illegal shït. Papa and momma made sure everything remained legal and kept it on the up and up. Lukas and Gregor kept it legal. They don't sell drugs at all, they sell guns and ammunition to police forces, military and such. Nothing illegally. They have papers and everything for the weapons and ammunition. Registration too. Something about this doesn't seem right...
~Olivia~ Well it could be an inside job with your momma's dad wanting payback for whatever happened between them, or it could be the ex girlfriend of Lukas wanting him to pay for them breaking up. I don't know but I can't say if I will take the case until I see the surveillance footage. So please get the warrant sent over to the judge so we can review it and see what happens.
~Irina~ I owe you big time my krasivoye solntse(beautiful sunshine)
~Olivia~ yeah yeah love you....
~Irina~ Love Youtoo
~Bristol~  Wait who do we love?!

Bristol comes charging in. We inform her on what's going on. Normally most females would run from the first sight of anyone being in the mafia because it can be dangerous and others get harmed but not us. We don't. Irina at first was scared to tell us but it doesn't bother us. Our dad used to a long long time ago belong to an MC. But got out when shït got bad. Half his club died. So he turned his life around and became a principal. Daddy didn't care that we were friends with people who were in the mafia. He just wants us to be careful. We promised him we would be as careful as we can be. Us being lawyers can be dangerous pending the cases we decide to take.

It's been a few hours since Irina sent over the paperwork to get us the warrant to review the surveillance cameras from the ATF sting operation and since the shop is closed now, we decide we will head over there first thing tomorrow morning. Let's hope nobody has messed with the cameras. If they have we will find out and we will make whoever it is pay for it.

~Olivia~ Tell your brother to keep his head low until he hears from you. We can't do anything right now until we review the footage and look at the reports from the whole sting operation. I'm not doubting Lukas' innocence but you know we have to go through everything with a fine tooth comb and cross our T's and dot our I's.
~Irina~ I know. I will make sure he stays on the straight and narrow. Keep Carmine on the straight and narrow as well.
~Olivia~ I sure will. Be safe. I will see you tomorrow.

Bristol and I head to our parents house for dinner. When we arrive, Carmine pulls in...

~Carmine~ You guys okay?
~Olivia~ You and your friends these next few weeks need to keep low and be careful.....
~Carmine~ Why?
~Olivia~ Irina's brother who needed the 2 9mm handguns went to another shop to get them, paid for them, correct registration and everything and it was part of a sting operation by the ATF. He's facing serious time if I can't prove this is was an illegal arrest by the ATF
~Carmine~ If anyone can prove something was don't let illegal it's you and Bristol.
~Olivia~ Thanks Bubs

We head inside and enjoy our weekly dinner with our parents. It's something we have all look forward too. I just hope that my brother is right and that Bristol and I are able to prove that Lukas purchased these guns legally.


Bristol and I head back to our place. When we arrive home, we sit in the sun room, with a small glass of wine.

~Bristol~ What's wrong?
~Olivia~ I know everyone has major faith in me to prove Lukas' innocence and I'm thankful for that but what if I am unable to prove it?
~Bristol~ Okay what happened to my sister who is the most absolute bad ass person in the world? The one who doesn't take shït from anyone? Where did she go?
~Olivia~ I'm right here
~Bristol~ Then you will prove it to them that we all know that this was an illegal operation and that he filled out the paperwork correctly. Let's do this one step at a time.
~Olivia~ Thanks Bristol. We got this.
~Bristol~ Damn right we do.

She and I head inside and get ready for bed. Tomorrow we start getting together evidence that proves Lukas innocences. I just hope I'm not too late.

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