Never piss off...

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Irina's POV

I am absolutely pissed off at my big brother. Yes my brothers and I are triplets but I'll be damned if I allow either one of them to disrespect me after they called and asked me to bail them out of a sticky situation. But me doing my job correctly I could not represent my brother during a trial. It's a conflict of interest. I can't have that happen. I told him to leave the whores at home because Olivia isn't the one to tolerate their disrespect at all. She told me when he left she was so angry at him for basically disrespecting her as his lawyer. So what am I doing you may ask? I'm heading home and going to lay into him. I told Gregor to not warn him or anyone about this. I said I'm pretty sure momma and daddy don't know about the up and coming court case either. He said that they don't know anything about it. I said well they are about to know all about it when I get home from work. This was unacceptable on so many levels. He also disrespected me as well and I'm done with it.

~Irina~ Lukas you stupid Mudak! Where the hell Re you?

My parents come running out of their room. They can tell that I am totally pissed off at them.

~Pops~Irina Bellissima, what's wrong?

~Irina~ Ask your disrespectful son over there what happened today!

~Momma~ Lukas what did you do?

~Lukas~ I didn't do anything.

~Irina~ Oh you wanna lie about it I will gladly tell them everything especially why you showed up at my work today with a whore when I told you not too. Wanna start telling them...

~Lukas~ It's none of their business Irina. So zip it.

~Irina~ He got arrested on trump ass charges. Carmine's shop didn't have the weapons he wanted and they were personal use. 9mm handguns. He went to another one and he filled out everything correctly and he was arrested of illegally obtaining the weapons or something close to that. He wanted me to represent him in court but it would be conflict of interest. So my best friend Olivia whom is Carmine's sister said she would take him on but he was to leave the whores at home. He didn't. Instead of having Gregor drop her off, he took her with him and she disrespected Olivia too. She's lucky Olivia didn't sucker punch her or him for that matter.

~Momma~ You disrespectful little shït head! I have raised you better than that. Your sister told you because now if she doesn't want to take your case this is completely on you. If she doesn't want to speak to you, that's on you! You did this to yourself.

~Lukas~ Dad you gonna stop Ma?

~Pops~ Oh no I'm not. If I were you, I'd straighten up real quick.

~Irina~ I'm not telling you to not have any quick flings because you are never going to change your playboy ways. But you seriously could end up getting yourself hurt by another mafia if you get disrespectful towards them. What would you do?

~Lukas~ Your right. I'm sorry for disrespecting you Irina. I love you. I will apologize to Olivia tomorrow.

~Irina~ She isn't coming in tomorrow. She is taking the day off to spend with her mom and dad who are sick. They haven't been in the best of health so she's working to pay for treatment.

~Momma~ Does she need anything?

~Irina~ I don't know. She has been struggling to pay for the treatments...

~Lukas~ Treatments for what?

~Irina~ Her dad has an infection in his blood and it's not getting any better and her mom has something wrong with the nerves in her body. The white cells are attacking them.. She won't accept my help. I've tried.

~Lukas~ What about doing it without her knowing? Like a secret donor.

~Irina~ Why are you asking this? You have never been this gung ho on helping a lady out before, so why now?

Everyone else looks at him, waiting for an answer. But he doesn't answer any of them. He heads to his office. Something tells me this has him wanting to change and help her out. She won't accept the help. I have tried on numerous occasions to help her with treatment me. She's barely scraping by right now. Ma and Pops have offered themselves to get donations for her family but Olivia won't accept it. She is too prideful. But she needs this help, she's burning herself out big time. Carmine has mentioned it to me that they are all pulling money and they usually only have money for either their mother or father's treatment but never both of them. It is like they are being forced into choosing between one of their parents. That isn't fair to them. I walk to Lukas' office. I knock. I'm not walking in on him fucking a whore ever again. It's disgusting..

~Lukas~ Come in!

~Irina~ Hey your going to go and pay for Olivia, Bristol and Carmine's parents treatments aren't you?

~Lukas~ I know that they do not want to take the money but if it were us and we had to chose like they are basically being forced to do, then I would want someone to try and help us out. It's only the right thing to do.

~Irina~ You are right. I wanted to help them out for years but they were wanting to accept the help from anyone. For a while Olivia didn't want her siblings to give her the money to help but she was drowning. She is still drowning but this is how she is. She is too prideful, too independent to ask for help from anyone ever. Please next time you have a meeting with her do not have whores here the night before. It's only the right thing to do. Your lucky she is still taking you on as a client. Other than that, I wouldn't of whooped your ass when I got home. I almost did if it wasn't for momma or daddy being here. You know I would.

~Lukas~ Yes my little Russian assassin of a sister.

~Irina~ Yeah yeah yeah you Italian idiot.

I leave his office and head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a good day. It's Saturday which means I'm off for the weekend and I will be staying home unless Olivia and Bristol as to hang out. Let's hope her parents next treatment goes okay and it puts them into some sort of remission. For Olivia's sake I hope it does.

Olivia's POV

I never thought I would be disrespected the way I was by Irina's brother. But I guess a play boy is stuck in his ways. I won't be in the office on Monday because momma and daddy have their next treatment. Thankfully I had money in my savings to pay for both treatments when I get to the treatment facility. I just feel awful when I have to chose between one parent or the other when I don't have the money to pay for treatment. It hurts. But my parents have been more than understanding about it all. I just feel like it's all my fault. I feel like I failed them in some sort of way, but I know I haven't because they have told me numerous times that shït happens. Let's hope so....

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