Vacation all I ever wanted

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Olivia's POV

Finally, Lukas and I are in the Maldives. It is so beautiful here. Lukas told me that we are here for as long as I'm wanting to be here for. I can't believe he went through everything with me to be here in the Maldives for a while. He and I have been through hell and back for our relationship from being almost torn apart from my little brother to his family, well his ex and his grandfather. It's been hell but he and I are stronger than ever. He is easily hands down one of my best friends besides his sister and mine. But he helped me out when both of my parents were going through medical treatments, I had to choose between my mother or father getting care. Lukas not only paid for the care but he relieved us from having to stress over medical bills we would of endured during them. He is completely my knight in shining armor.

I have had several people tell me men in the mafia aren't loyal in their relationships. But that isn't Lukas one bit. He is as loyal as they come to be. Have women tried to interfere in our relationship? Hands down a million times they have. But it hasn't stopped the love and devotion he has for me and me alone. He doesn't wander away from me. I can be sitting away from him while he is conducting meetings with other mafias, and he looks over at me and winks. Women have tried saying I wasn't his woman but all I had to do to prove them wrong was wave him to me and he would greet me with the most passionate kiss I have ever gotten. They have asked us if we were married to each other? We are honest and told them not yet. But that makes them believe that they have a chance to get with him. Not if I have anything to say about it.

As I continue to think about how Lukas and I have gotten to where we are not, I feel him walk up behind me and begin kissing on my neck. He knows exactly what that does to me. He knows my neck is my weakness and that's why he continues to do it to me. I look up at him and looking in his eyes, is showing me everything. He doesn't have to speak about it. I know he loves me.

~Lukas~ Good Morning Beautiful. Did you sleep okay?

~Olivia~ I did. Sound of the water below was extremely relaxing. I didn't think I would ever be this relaxed at all. How did you sleep?

~Lukas~ I slept incredible. Missed waking up with you in my arms. You good babygirl?

~Olivia~ I am. I was thinking of how you and I came to be in our relationship. I'm so thankful we fought for us. You easily have been one of my best friends. I fall in love with you more and more every day. Especially when you prove to all our doubters that you and are together. I know you don't have to and I don't expect you too. But when you do do it it makes my heart very happy. I don't have to go to meetings with you either you do know that right??

~Lukas~ I know baby. I love having you within a room of me. I love being able to physically see that you are okay and that you are safe. I trust my guards that are at our house but seeing you are okay and knowing you are okay are two different things. If you don't want to come then you don't need too.

~Olivia~ If it helps and eases your mind seeing me in the room, then it is okay that I come to your meetings. If I can ease your stress this way then I am glad I am able to do this for you.

~Lukas~ You are a dream come true gorgeous.

He stares at me and I wonder what is going on in his mind. What is he actually thinking about?


Lukas' POV

I can't help but want to propose to her before even asking her mother and father permission to do so. But in my family if I do this, it is a sign of disrespect. I would never in a million years ever disrespect her family or mine by doing this. But I want to propose to her with it just being us. I do have the ring I want to use and it was similar to what my father gave momma, with me. I knew if it felt right then I would ask her to marry me. I tell Olivia I have a small warehouse issue to handle because our brothers are having hell trying to fix it. She tells me it's okay to go handle it as long as I can promise the remainder of our vacation is just the two of us. I do, however long we are here, it's the two of us.

I do call her parents on FaceTime and ask them for their blessing in marrying their daughter. They told me that they couldn't of picked a better man for their daughter. It makes me happy knowing that her parents approve of our relationship.

Now if only I could figure out how to ask her to spend the rest of her life with me. She isn't into huge flashy things. She doesn't like being the center of attention, but she is the center of my world and she has all of my attention. I think I know exactly how I will be proposing to her. She always smiles when she watches sunsets. Proposing to her as the sunsets here in the Maldives. Perfect!


As we are walking down the beach, I stop and tell her to face the ocean so I can get a picture of her. She faces away and I get down on one knee.

~Olivia~ Can I turn around now?

~Lukas~ Yeah baby girl you can.

She looks at me and immediately gets teary eyed and I can help but smile hugely at her.

~Lukas~ You are the first thought I have every day. From our first moments meeting, to you saving my family day in and day out. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. You complete me in several ways. I guess with everything I am rambling on about, will you marry me and become my queen?

~Olivia~ Yes yes I'll marry you.

I slide this beautiful ring on her fingers. I'm glad Irina and Bristol convinced her to go and get her nails done last minute.

~Lukas~ Do you like it?

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~Lukas~ Do you like it?

~Olivia~ I love it baby. Wait did you....

~Lukas~ Yes I asked both of your parents for their blessing of asking you to marry me. I knew it meant everything to you. That was my warehouse issue. I wanted to ask you with it just being us two.

She leans up and kisses me. We head back to our place and celebrate our engagement. I can't wait to show our families we are together. Let's hope Carmine doesn't flip out.

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