Setting them up

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Lukas' POV

This entire mess has everyone around here on extreme edge. More so Olivia and the girls, than the guys. About a few days after Olivia went on her leave of absence, the bar found her innocent of any legal malpractice. We all knew she would be anyways. But the bar association says they can't press any charges against my stupid as hell grandfather and the psycho ex fück buddy I had Lu Lu. I know why Lu Lu would do this because she wants to drive a wedge in between myself and Olivia because then that would give her whatever chance she thinks she'd had to win me back. My brother and Carmine have been trying to figure out a way to get the bar association their evidence they need without breaking the law. I refuse to be left alone in a room with her and I won't go see her. Granted I don't know where she is but I won't seek her out either. But how do we get proof that would involve my grandfather? There could be two ways minimum. First being either myself and Gregor going to the jail and speaking to him, but then he could clam up and not say a word. The second option is that we speak to momma and see if she would go see her father after all these years.

Looks like there is going to be a big family meeting and that includes Olivia's family as well. We need to all sit down and see what everyone thinks about it. I need to run the ideas first by Olivia. She is probably going to be upset that I don't want to use her as bait but I am trying to protect her first and foremost. She is out for the day helping the girls move things around at the office as well as locking up all her completed files and cases. She is scanning all of it over to her computer for safe keeping. She doesn't trust that someone would hack the system to destroy her. Not that anyone blames her either. We all are hoping that this break away from the office will give her time to relax and to be herself. When I spoke to her parents, they told me that Olivia has never been spoiled or taken care of. It's always her doing the caring.

It's about time that someone takes care of her and I plan to be that someone.

As I am going over camera footage from my warehouse that are completely empty, I catch Lu Lu snooping around the outside of three of them. She never came to any of them with me. That means she has been tracking me, but how. I page both Gregor and Carmine to my office. It's about time we finish this once and for all.

~Carmine~ What's going on?

~Lukas~ Lu Lu was the one who snuck around several of our warehouses and she had never been to any of them with us. I'm pretty sure out a couple tracking devices on one of my cars. I haven't touched the cars in weeks even. We've always used either Gregor's car or Irina's. But with Olivia not there, Bristol and Irina carpool now.

~Gregor~ What do you want me to do?

~Lukas~ Get security and have them triple check all of the cars here for anything that could track us. Make sure they wear industrial grade gloves so they won't get hurt.

~Carmine~ Are you going to tell Olivia about this?

~Lukas~ Yeah I am...

And no soon than I say that, my gorgeous girlfriend walks into my office. I wasn't expecting her to get off work this early.

~Olivia~ Tell me what?

~Lukas~ I went over security footage from all of our family's warehouses, to see if anything suspicious showed up and I saw Lu Lu at every single one of them. She never went to any of them with me because I never brought a fuck buddy to them. So Gregor is going to be going over all the cars here to see if any tracking devices were placed on them. We're positive that she would possibly put one on your car as well as your sister's car as well.

~Olivia~ What would she gain by following you to the warehouses? She placed the tracking devices on the cars illegally. That doesn't carry a hefty amount of jail time but aiding a felon does. She is doing this to get y'all thrown in jail and your mother's father freed. They want to try and take over your empire.

Gregor walks back inside and has an entire box full of various tracking devices as well as cameras and listening devices too. This bitch has to go!

~Gregor~ What do we do with these?

~Olivia~ First we need to figure out if she is the one who planted these, if she did the best I can do is file for a restraining order for here, the places of employment and my house. Be great if we could catch her admitting that she is helping him out.

We all look at her because she's right we need to set her up but how?

~Olivia~ Genius idea came in and you may want to hold your ears Carmine but we need to get Lu Lu here under the assumption that Lukas wants her.

~Carmine~ Why would I cover my ears for that?

~Olivia~ I wasn't finished. When Lu Lu comes into the office she's gonna find Lukas in a compromising position. That alone will piss her off and she'll go on a rampage. She'll admit to everything. But we need to get the police on page with this as well.

~Carmine~ Uh how compromising are you talking about Liv?

~Olivia~ Um I am positive that this isn't something you want to discuss with me. Lukas call your inside guy from the force and explain to him the situation. Tell him about the devices we found on all our vehicles. Bristol and Irina are on their way here now. Gregor, can you check the other cars when they arrive?

~Gregor~ I got you sweetheart.

~Olivia~ I'm going to go upstairs and rest. Let me know what is said and when this plan is going to go off?

~Lukas~ Absolutely baby girl. Love you!

~Olivia~ Love you too.

She gives me a kiss and heads up the stairs. The boys look at me shocked.

~Gregor~ She is in charge...

~Lukas~ Yeah she is.

~Carmine~ She has been this way since our parents illnesses came about. She made sure shït was handled and didn't tolerate when people would disrespect them. She was bullied in elementary school because her parents cared more about drugs and partying then raising her. My mom adopted her and raised her with our pops since then. She's seeing this as a bullying aspect which it kinda is. But let's make these calls now.

He's right. We need to get these calls handled. I called my inside guy and he's heading over this way to gather all the information we have from everything. He said when he gets the prints and dna back front the tracking devices then he'll let us know when to set everything up but he agreed that this is one of the only ways you I end this entire mess with Lu Lu and my grandfather. He said he has people keeping a close eye on him inside the jail. He's waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is no doubt about it.

On top of the numerous devices we found on the vehicles here and Olivia's, there were about 15 more on Bristol and Irina's. I tell Olivia what's been happening and she said it's okay. We decide that dinner with their parents is what we all needed. This is what having a family feels like.

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