Talking to Pops

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Lukas' POV

After meeting with Olivia, my lawyer and her asking me about issues with enemies in the past, it got me wondering why now? I need to talk to my pops about this and see if he has any idea on if it's momma's father or could it be someone completely different. There is alot at stake here. Court is in just under two weeks. If this is because momma's father is angry and he paid off the ATF officers, they are going down and going down hard. Pops knows that Gregor and I always do everything legally. We wouldn't jeopardize anything our family has built up and we wouldn't ruin Irina's name in the paralegal field either. I just can't wrap my head around any of this. It has me baffled. I go through all of the files on sales and camera footage from our warehouses to make sure my guys didn't screw me over and thankfully none of them have. They all know better. I walk into my father's office, he knows something is bothering me big time about this entire situation. I never purchased weapons illegally then and I sure as hell won't start anytime soon.

~Pops~ What's bothering you son?

~Lukas~ I met with my lawyer and she asked me if we had any enemies. I told her about momma's father. He is the only one I could think of off the top of my head. All of the forms I signed with the shop were legally done, nothing was forged or anything. Why come after me and Gregor?

~Pops~ It is to harm your mother and I. Your mother's father wasn't happy with the two of us being together. He wanted her with someone to control her and to make her miserable. I wasn't raised that way back when my parents were together and I wouldn't ever treat a woman that way. I'll have to check and see if they were released from jail. I think they were.

~Lukas~ Gregor, Irina and I never met him so why come after all of us? I have always done shït legally, I would never do anything that would hurt everything we've built up. That's not any of us.

~Pops~ With him attacking you kids, it attacks momma and I. If it hurts momma and I, none of it matters if it's legally done or not. I wouldn't be shocked if any of your lady friends are working with them...

A lightbulb turns on in my head. One of them could be working with my supposed grandfather. This does make a lot of sense with whoever it was begged to come to the meeting with Olivia.

~Pops~ What's up?

~Lukas~ When I first met with the lawyer, one of the ladies begged to come with me to my meeting. I allowed her too. But after that I haven't messed around with any of the undesirable ladies.

~Pops~ Now why is that son?

How do I go on to tell my father that I am attracted to my lawyer? That my lawyer makes me want to be a better man than I was becoming?

~Pops~ You know you can talk to me about anything?

~Lukas~ That first time I met my lawyer, she lit something under me. Then I wasn't sure what it was but when Irina told me about her and how she and her siblings are taking care of her parents who are
receiving treatment and that she was having to choose between one or the other to get it, I wanted to help her out. So I paid for the treatments and any and all medical expenses that they are needing.

~Pops~ Does she have any clue that you have taken care of all of this?

~Lukas~ Nope. I don't need her anymore stressed out about that than she is over my court case. I will inform her about it after we get through with court. Thing is I can see myself with her. She's gorgeous and she is Carmine's big sister.

~Pops~ Waiting til after court is done and over with is the smart thing to do. Have you talked to Carmine about her?

~Lukas~ No I haven't. But Irina informed me that when she was in law school, she came home to visit family and caught her ex Demetri in bed with another woman. She hasn't dated since then.

~Pops~ I know you know exactly how to treat a lady. But be kind to her heart. She's going to be scared and try to push away any feelings. Your momma was the same way with me. Show her you aren't going absolutely anywhere, that you are there for her and her family for the long haul. Be the man I know you are.

~Lukas~ I will pops. I have a video meeting with her parents doctors to go over the treatments for them. I'll be in my office. Love you.

~Pops~ love you too son.

I walk out of his office and back to mine. I truly want to see where this could possibly go with Olivia when court is over with. I just hope she feels the same way about me as I do about her. Life is confusing. I have never been this way with a woman before but as the saying goes, it takes the right woman to change a man. She has definitely changed me to be a better man. I will continue to be the man she needs, even if she doesn't know it yet.

Olivia's POV

It's been a week since I met with Lukas and we have court in two weeks. He emailed me the names of his grandfather and anyone who could possibly be helping him. This list contains the woman who came with him when we had our first meeting together. This could possibly make alot of sense. She begged to remain in the room with us during said meeting. She wanted to know details of this case. She seemed way entirely too eager for this as well. I think she is working with his grandfather and his grandfather is blackmailing the ATF agents.

But besides court, my parents have both responded amazingly to treatments. They both had to stay in the hospital after the first one they received since the donor is paying for them to make sure their immune systems weren't compromised, thankfully they weren't. I wish I knew who did this amazing gift for my family. I just want to thank this person and my parents want to as well. Well when the time comes, I will thank this amazing soul.

Now I can't get Irina's brother out of my head. He makes me feel things I swore I would never feel again. I swore off finding happiness and love after being cheated on. But maybe it's time I try again. Maybe I need to take that huge leap of faith and be happy with a man. I will think about it again when court is done and over with. Time to knock down whoever thinks they can harm another family on my watch. Definitely won't happen, I have this in the bag. I know I do.

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