Putting him in his place

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Olivia's POV

It has been one hell of a month for my family. I came home from the second to last treatment smiling. Carmine asked me what was up because I have never been this happy in my life since this all happened. I thought long and hard about even mentioning who the donor was for our parents but yet telling Carmine I am having serious feelings with the man who gave us our momma and daddy back. Well you've probably guessed which one I went with. Needless to say Carmine wasn't happy. He said Lukas is using me for the entire case that was against him, that Lukas is a major fück boy to the highest degree and the shit kicker is he said I forbid you to date him. I laughed and said he doesn't control me and who or what brings me any happiness, so if he couldn't respect that, then I wasn't speaking to him. I get he's my brother and the man he knew as Lukas was a fuck boy. But the man I got to know, adores his family, would do anything and everything to help a person out. I told momma what happened? She said if he continues to get out of line with me, she'll handle him. That's one thing for sure, you don't disrespect me or momma and get away with it. Daddy was ready to knock Carmine into last week when I told him. But thankfully they didn't. But I'm wondering how long is Carmine going to be ignoring me? I didn't harm him, haven't disrespected him at all and now I'm at a loss. Do I give up the one person who is showing me it's okay to not be okay and to ask for help, simply cuz my brother doesn't approve? Well I'm not. But everyone knows I'm about to let into him.

I'm in the kitchen on this beautiful Saturday morning prepping a roast in the crockpot when Carmine walks in with momma and daddy.. He sees me and turns to walk away... I've had it.

~Olivia~ Sit down now!

~Carmine~ Why should I? I told you not to date....

~Olivia~ And you think I'm going to allow my baby brother to attempt to control my life? Yeah your sadly mistaken. Nobody controls me, with anything. But the last month you've ignored me for what?

~Carmine~ For dating my best friend.....

~Olivia~ So it's okay for Bristol to date Gregor and you to date my best friend but I'm not allowed to date him, that what you are saying??

~Carmine~ That's not what I meant...

~Olivia~ Not in those terms but you know that is what you wanted go say....

~Carmine~ Fine you wanna know why I'm so pissed? Well it's because I failed you last time with asshat and not protecting you, I won't let you get that messed up if I could prevent it. I know Lukas didn't a horrible man but I don't want your spirit destroyed again...

~Olivia~ I can promise one thing and that's enough. I know what to look for if it's going south. I won't ever put myself in that position again, got it?

~Carmine~ Yeah I do.

~Olivia~ Ever disrespect me in front of momma and daddy again and I'm going to make sure you can't sit for a month.


As I am upstairs folding my laundry, my phone goes off and it Irina. She said Carmine told her what he said about me and Lukas overheard so don't be surprised if he tries to come over here and break it off with me. Great this is exactly what Carmine wants. I'm pissed because I truly do like Lukas. But knowing him he doesn't want to destroy my relationship with my brother. I do not know what to truly do. Do I allow Lukas to break up with me to appease the happiness of my brother or do I sit there and fight for him? I know what I want to do but is it going to be enough to convince Lukas what we are having is worth fighting for it. But I can't force a man who doesn't want to stay to stay. I can't force him to be in a relationship with me if that isn't what he wants anymore. I don't know what I am going to do now.

As I finish putting my clothes away, my phone goes off with another message and it's from Lukas. He said he is here and we need to talk. Great! I walk outside and he is sitting on the hood of his car. This isn't going to be good...

~Olivia~ What's going on?

~Lukas~ You know I am truly digging what we have together. You legit are to greatest thing that has ever happened to me, but I can't allow us being together to break apart what you and Carmine have as siblings...

~Olivia~ So let me get this straight? The man who said he would always fight for me, who wasn't going to allow my brother to rip what we have apart, is basically going to let my brother win but giving me that lame ass excuse?

~Lukas~ I don't want us being the reason you and your brother feud...

~Olivia~ So it's okay for Irina to be with Carmine and Gregor to be with Bristol? But fuck what Olivia wants. Olivia doesn't need to be happy.

~Lukas~ Olivia that's not what I was saying.

~Olivia~ Yeah you may not of said those words but the way it's coming off of you is ridiculous. You know what if this is truly what you want, that's fine. I'm not going to stop you. It's almost like you are scared of your feelings and that's why you are bitching out. Yeah you are being a little fucking bitch.

~Lukas~ I'm not being a bitch. I don't want to hurt you.

~Olivia~ You just did! You are breaking up with me because of my baby brother. That's hurting me. You are the first guy I have opened my heart to since my ex. I didn't think I would ever fall again for someone because I didn't think I was ever good enough, now that's how I am feeling again. I know it was too good to be true because in the end I am the one who always gets hurt.

~Lukas~ Liv, I'm sorry......

~Olivia~ Sorry you got caught or sorry I called you out on your lame excuses? You need to figure out what you want exactly and when you do you know how to contact me. I got shït to do today. Have a nice life.

I turn around and walk back inside. As I'm closing the front door, I see Carmine. I'm absolutely livid. Is this the thanks I get for making sure my parents got their treatments but only able to choose 1 of them? Or is it because I gave him a hard time.

~Carmine~ Who was here?

~Olivia~ Just so you know, I am never going to forgive you for this. He broke up with me because he didn't want us feuding over him. Congratulations you won. Everyone else gets their happy ending but me. Let momma know I'm not hungry.

I go to my room and break down crying. Why did this have to happen this way. This brings back horrible memories of my elementary school days of being bullied.


My momma made me come down and eat dinner. I ate what I was able to stomach, which wasn't an awful lot. Carmine looks down right sad. Bristol ask me what is going on and I said Lukas doesn't want to be with me anymore. She did ask why... I said he doesn't want to come in between family members... She gives Carmine an evil look. I end up crying myself to sleep. But Lukas is still on my mind. Maybe in time we will cross paths again and then we can attempt it. But I won't be holding my breath.

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