Baby I am

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Lukas' POV

Today I am dropping my little sister off at work after I broke it off with Olivia. It's been a few days now and Irina still isn't speaking to me. Only reason I know she needed a ride to work was Pops told me her car wasn't starting this morning and he asked me. I told him no problem I would make sure she got there safely. I have tried messaging Olivia all weekend and she hasn't called me or returned a single one back. I get it why she isn't. I promised her I would always fight for us and I did the opposite, as she worded it, I bitched out and allowed her brother to win. Gregor told me that Bristol has told him that Olivia hasn't left her room all weekend and has hardly ate anything. Another reason I am taking Irina to work is to hopefully be able to talk to her. I want to apologize. Carmine got to me saying I should of chosen him over her and I was tired of listening to him bitch about it, so I asked Carmine what would make him happy and he said ending it with Olivia. I didn't want to end it with her, I want forever with her. Now she probably wants nothing to do with me and it's strictly my fault.

As I pull up out front the firm, I see Carmine dropping off Bristol, that's usual because normally it is Olivia and her arriving together. Carmine's car pulls out and Bristol walks up to my car. She probably hates me too.

~Bristol~ I would ask how your doing but if you are anything like my sister, she isn't handling this too well.

~Lukas~ Is she that bad? I didn't want to hurt her at all. I just didn't want to hurt her nor listen to Carmine bitch all the time. I wouldn't do this to Irina and neither would Gregor. Why is it bad for me to be with her when he doesn't care that you and Gregor together, am I that bad of a person?

~Bristol~ No your not that bad of a man. Carmine failed Olivia when her ex cheated on her when she was away from school. He doesn't want to fail her again. I know you wouldn't hurt her at all. I love you with my sister. I have never seen her smile the way she is now. She's home today. Here's my key to get in. I'll let her know your coming over. Just don't give up on her yet.

~Lukas~ I won't give up on her ever.

~Bristol~ You love her don't you?

~Lukas~ I think I have always loved  her. I never knew what love truly was until being with her. She is it for me you know. She sleeping okay ??

~Bristol~ This entire weekend, she hardly slept. She doesn't have any cases coming up. So she is safe from work.

~Lukas~ Do you think I should bite the bullet and call Carmine and tell him I don't care if he gets angry with with, I truly want to be with her and if he hates me then that's his problem.

~Bristol~ Yeah you call him and deal with him first. Then you need to truly deal with Olivia. Pops isn't angry. Everyone in the family is angry with him over everything.

~Lukas~ Thanks Bristol. Have a good day at work. 

~Bristol~ You too.

I make sure she gets inside the building and on to the elevator safely before I drive away. I head by the florist and order her tulips and sunflowers to be sent to her house. She doesn't have to forgive me but I never wanted to leave her.


Carmine's POV

My sister Olivia has never been this heartbroken before. She hardly left her room all weekend and when she did, she didn't speak to anyone and that includes me. I feel awful about this. All because I didn't want her hurt like her ex did to her. I know Lukas would never hurt my sister. He did make her happy. Now it's up to me to fix it. As I am pulling back into my parents house, I see Lukas pulling in behind me.

~Carmine~ Look....

~Lukas~ Look I don't care if you approve of me being with your sister or not but these last few days not speaking to her have been awful. Your sister makes me incredibly happy and she's made me a better man. So if you don't want her and I together, your shït out of luck, cuz her happiness is the only thing I legit care about. So you'll have to get over it.

~Carmine~ She was still sleeping when I took Bristol to work. She hasn't been sleeping or eating well either. 

Lukas' POV

Carmine and I walk inside and we see Olivia in the kitchen with her parents. They both nod at me. I never wanted her to be this hurt. I thought what I was doing was the right thing at the time. She is finishing up dishes when she turns around and sees me standing there. She leaps into my arms and holds me tight.

~Lukas~ I'm so sorry beautiful.....

~Olivia~ It's okay Lukas. I forgive you. Carmine next time mind your business. My personal life isn't your concern anymore.

~Carmine~ I know. I'm sorry. I need to go apologize to Irina. She's mad as fuck at me. She's speaking Russian to me and I can't understand any of it.

~Lukas~ Well she does that when she is pissed off so there's that.

He leaves the house. Her parents head up to their room and I gently take her into the living room. We sit here not speaking a word to each other. The silence is all we need. I will never make that mistake again.

As time passed today I realize one thing and one thing only. I am in love with this beautiful soul of a woman. She saved my life and she has saved me.

~Lukas~ Baby girl?

~Olivia~ Yeah baby?

~Lukas~ You don't have to say it back or anything of that nature but these last few days apart made me realize one thing and one thing only... I love you so much.

She looks at me and smiles.

~Olivia~ I love you too so fucking much. But I'm sleepy can we cuddle and then go get some lunch??

~Lukas~ Sounds good.


We spent the rest of the day cuddling around her house. Instead of going out of the house for food, we ordered Chinese for dinner. Irina came back to the house with Bristol and Carmine. Carmine is still in the dog house with Irina but she has eased up on the Russian. Gregor comes over and hangs out with us as well. One thing is for sure my brother and sister are definitely as happy as I am.

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