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"Darling, you must know that tonight we will be having dinner with the Isidore family at noon." Queen M/N stated to her daughter Y/N. "May I ask why mother?" Y/N said curiously.

"It's because I and their family have agreed that you'd be better suited for their son Prince Dominic."

"What!?" Y/N said standing up, "Mother I haven't even met him-"

"Y/N sit down." The h/c haired girl sat back down listening to her mother's command. "We have also decided that you should be wedded after your birthday, my dear." Now, this just ticked Y/N off. Her Birthday was very soon as well, which made everything much worse. "It is vital that you marry Prince Dominic for the sake of both our kingdoms and people. You know that I'm coming at that age to retire as queen my dear and give the next throne to you."

"But mother that doesn't mean I have-"

"There's no excuses. It is final." Y/N got up with annoyance from her seat. "If you may excuse me."

She calmly walked away from the dining hall, and went straight to her room, closing both her large, rather tall doors. "Why can't I marry someone I truly love?" Y/N walked towards her balcony and rested her hand on her chin sighing to herself. "I mean why rule with someone you don't love, let alone know the person?"

"Yeah, I mean who would wanna rule with someone you don't love? Am I right?" Someone said, chuckling behind her which made Y/N jump at the response and turn around.

"Merlin!" Y/N exclaimed, meeting him face to face. She playfully punched his arm. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Ow! Is that how I get a hello? Or, oh Merlin how have you been? I've missed you!" Merlin said in a mimicking voice just like the princess's voice. Merlin smirked while holding his arm that just got hit.

"Well did you know that it's rude to sneak on people?" Y/N responded by crossing her arms with her head turned the opposite way of the boy's body.

Both stayed quiet for a moment, having the same restful pose leaning on the balcony rail looking towards the sky. Merlin gazed towards the princess, to then being caught into a trance, captive by the princess's beauty. "You know Merlin. Sometimes I wish that I could just run away or take a break for a moment from this palace life." Y/N said, sighing to herself. Merlin looked at the princess longingly after what she said. Merlin then grab's Y/N's hand.

"I know a place that can get your mind at ease" Y/N looked down from her hand touching his, feeling a warm tension inside, and looked up at his face,

"But the guards will notice I'm gone!" Y/N said worriedly back.

"Just tell them you need your beauty rest princess," Merlin said with a wink. Y/N went towards her door and slightly shouted telling her guards outside her door that she would be napping for the rest of the evening. She ran back towards Merlin on her balcony and grabbed both his hands looking up at him. "Okay, I'm ready!" She said with a cheeky smile.

Merlin then grabbed her in bridal style "Hold on tight" He used his magic to get the way down Y/N balcony. Y/N hugged Merlin tightly making him smile while blushing at the touch. "Close your eyes," Merlin said to the princess. Y/N covered her eyes with her hands. She felt the light breeze of wind while Merlin was carrying her towards the "place". Y/N realized they had both come to a halt. Merlin placed her down lightly on her feet

"Okay, you can open them now" Y/N un-covered her eyes to see a beautiful scenery of a flowing stream of water and flowers blowing gracefully from the wind. Sounds of the river and trees blowing are heard.

"Merlin, it's beautiful!" Y/N stood happily in front of Merlin and hugged him. She then spotted a flower right beside them, she picked up the small daisy flower and showed Merlin. "Isn't this lovely?" Merlin looked at her in awe, as she showed him the flower.

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