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As the next morning flew by, Y/N waved back at Snow’s presents leaving her castle to find her father. “Good luck!” Y/N shouted hoping Snow could hear her.

“Y/N, may I have a word with you my dear?” A voice said behind her. The princess looked behind her, and nodded at her mother. Both walked into the Queen’s chambers, with no one to be seen inside the room besides just them two. “Look dear, I know you aren’t happy with this marriage proposal but, you just have to bear with it. This kingdom is going to need a new ruler soon.” Bear with it?! Y/N thought.

“Mother, I can’t just bear with it!? This is my life, and someone is choosing who I’d marry and rule with!” Y/N shouted at her mother.

“Y/N do not raise your voice at me!” Her mother yelled back.

“Well I’m sorry mother, but you can’t be making choices for me! Especially when it’s about someone I’ll be loving for the rest of my life." Y/N said angrily, crossing her arms. Queen M/N sighed to herself.

“Look. Your father isn’t here anymore dear. I have no intention of where he is, and there’s nothing I can do but to just stay in the kingdom and let the royal commission deal with it.” Silence filled in quickly. Y/N looked at her mother, seeing a tear sliding down her face. “I really do miss your father Y/N. There's not a day where I don't think of him." Both stayed in silence.

"Did you know we were inseparable when we were young?” Y/N mother chuckled a bit at the last part while wiping her cheek. “Both our parents tried to keep us away because of… things… But that didn’t stop your father, oh no. He kept seeing me every once in a while. He’d always appear out of the blue too!” Y/N started walking towards her mother. She'd never seen her mother emotional, nor act so happy in a long time. This was unusual for her.

“Speaking of appearing out of nowhere, I know that boy, Prince Merlin has been seeing you.” Now this came out of nowhere. Y/N widely looked at her mother in shock.

“Wait- but- how’d you know?” Y/N Admittedly said blushed a bit. M/N chuckled while wiping her leftover tears.

“You don’t think I notice you gone sometimes? Or when I hear another voice coming out of your bedroom? Oh, I can notice that boy’s voice anywhere, he is quite a charmer.” Queen M/N raised her eyebrows.

“Mom, don't be having any ideas! Me and Merlin are just friends!” Y/N said, crossing her arms once again. Queen M/N chuckled looking at her daughter. “And plus, I’ll be getting married soon, to whom you are suiting me, which I still won’t agree with.” Y/N sighed.

Queen M/N hated seeing her daughter like this. All this time she wanted what's best for her daughter, and let her choose the person she may love, but she couldn’t tell her the truth.

“Well what must be done, has to be done.” Her mother said walking away from her daughter. “I wish that I could do something about this proposal my dear. I really do. I wish that you could choose your own suitor, but it’s already too late. There's nothing I can do unless the Isidore family reconsider this situation, or miraculously your father comes back, and you’d have a year or two to decide.”

Queen M/N stated while closing the door behind, which left the princess to be all alone in the room.

‘Wait what?’ Y/N thought. Y/N realized what her mother just said. If the Isidore family re-considers this whole proposal, she doesn’t have to arrange to marry Prince Dominic, she thought with glee. Only then can she choose who she wants to be with. “I just need to talk to Dominic later.” Y/N said to herself and walked out of the room confidently, waiting for the next few days to pass by, to then confront Dominic.

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