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Merlin and Red, sat on the long log, admiring the sunset in front of them. You see everything didn't go accordingly as planned. As the robot was flying through the air, it crashed into a tree, and both Red and Merlin fell down and got lost. Of course, they were trying to find the way back, but they both got tired and decided to rest for a little bit. Merlin was in thought, thinking of what Y/N might be doing at the moment. He missed every part of her.

"Merlin, do you think we'd be happier if we were our old selves again?" Red asked, bringing back Merlin from his train of thought.

"Yep. Yep, yep, uh, definitely we would."

"Because, I don't know, I just can't help the feeling, but like how we are. Right here, just, right now." She smiles at Merlin. Merlin looks away and looks at the river in front of them until Red spoke again, and he looks at her, "Merlin, I think, I think that- I think I like you." She looks at Merlin lovingly. Merlin was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Red Shoes- I can't- " Both paused, as he and Red heard a noise behind them. Both looked but saw nothing.

Y/N ducked underneath a bush and the same with Long ears. She covered her mouth, as tears streamed down her face, heartbroken at what she was about to hear. 'Was Merlin really going to accept her confession?' Y/N thought until a big noise was heard. Y/N looked on the right and saw a big wooden creature heading towards Red Shoes and Merlin. The creature almost smashed them under its hand, but both backed away in time and ran away.

"Go tell the others that we need help!" Y/N told the bunny and started running towards Red and Merlin. Long Ears nodded and hopped towards home, which was kind of far, so it might take a while, which Y/N kind of forgot about. Y/N ran behind the creature and yelled "Hey, blockhead!" She halted and pulled out her staff, as the big wooden creature looked behind. Which let Red and Merlin getaway.

Y/N ran towards the thing and jumped so that she could wack the thing, but the creature was too strong for her to hit. She stood in front of the creature, and looked up, "Uhm, hello," She waved, smiling awkwardly at the thing, and ran underneath, between its legs, and ran forward to where Merlin and Red ran too. But once she saw them, there was another wooden creature in front of both of them.

"Merlin!" Y/N yelled, in which both looked up to see Y/N.

"Y/N?" Merlin said confused until he saw the other wooden monster behind her, "Y/N behind you!" He shouted at the girl. Y/N looked behind her and yelled, "Duck!" The princess heard Merlin yell. Using his magic, he hit the knee of the monster.Y/N sled down towards Merlin and Red, grabbing them both in time before the creature that was in front of them snatched them. Both creatures then collide together. "Y/N what are you doing here?!" Merlin questioned the girl in a hurry as they were running,

"I-I was uh-" Y/n stammered Until Merlin saw in the corner of his eye another wooden creature was coming through the woods. He grabbed Y/N's hand, and Y/N grabbed Red's hand, all three running a sharp corner turn.

"What do they want?! Besides, smashing us?!" Merlin exclaims, while running beside the two, as the three creatures were now behind them.

"I don't know!" Red Shoes exclaims. Merlin then looks up at the hill rock beside them, and deices to hit a spot with his magic, trying to make the rocks block the creatures, but fails too.

"The old me would've nailed that!" Merlin says, until the rocks actually came down on one of the creatures, making it fall into the river below them. "You just got Merlin'd! Whoa!" Merlin exclaims in excitement about his achievement. Y/N chuckles. The rock was then thrown in front of them leaving them in shock. They all turned around and saw more rocks coming toward them and tries to dodge them. Merlin then has another idea to stop the wooden creatures.

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