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"Where could've they gone too?" Y/N said worrying for her friend, and the woodland creatures. "What if someone kidnapped them!?"

"Woah, Woah princess calm down!" Merlin said to the girl. "I'm sure Snow White just went for a walk to clear her head... And beside's, I think it's my fault-"

"Merlin look over there!" The girl pointed in the direction where Snow was, but she was also familiar? Merlin, and Y/N rann towards Snow, and Long ears hopped behind them. "Snow- Merlin?" Y/N said confused. And Merlin looked shocked.

"Merlin?" Snow looked at the Merlin in front of her, then behind her beside Y/N, "Merlin?" Everyone was just in shock, two of the same Merlins in the same exact place?

The Merlin in front of Snow white growled, "What terrible timing, you have." 'the' Merlin then turns into an old woman, "Ugh! Where just going to have to do this the hard way!" The woman said sarcastically

"Regina?!" Snow White gasps. The three woodland bears then screamed and huddled up next to the big bunny. Regina then looks behind Snow White and looks at Y/N. Regina narrowed her eyes.

"You- you look familiar... Oh! I know now." The old woman smirked. Y/N looked at her weirdly and walked beside Snow White grabbing her hand, indicating that she was not leaving her behind.

"Aw, Such a tender family reunion, So sad we can't stay!" Regina then pulls her cape towards the two girls pulling them in,

"Merlin!" Y/N calls out, and Merlin tries to reach her hand, but they disappeared. Merlin turns around and jumps onto the big wooden bunny's back,

"Come on! Let's go Long ears!"

"Hey, wait for us!" The three creatures say to Merlin,

"How about you go back and get the others? And Make lots of copies of these." Merlin hands out one of his paper spells to the woodland bear creature, and all three nod in response.

As Merlin was getting close to Snow White's castle, Long ears decided to take a turn, away from the direction of the castle. "Hey! Wait! You're running the wrong way! The castle is over there!" Merlin points towards where the castle was. The bug bunny then jumps into a well big enough for him to fit into. Merlin screams in horror, as he was now falling downwards to the ground, until the bunny landed perfectly which made Merlin in shock, with wide eyes. The bunny looked at him in disbelief. Merlin then gets off his back and moves a toom door out of the way, which is then met with stairs going upstairs.


Y/N wakes up from a noise she hears above her. She looks around, to find herself in a dungeon? A cold and dark room, with only a few lanterns, but that didn't even light up the whole room. She tries to move her hands, but she can't. She looks to see her hands tied up to one of the metal bars of a cell. "Ugh, why won't this budge!" The princess exclaims, clearly stressed out.

"I don't know if you'd noticed, but they're tied, dear." A voice was heard, behind her.

"Who's there?" She says looking behind her, but was met with only darkness in a cell. "I said who's there!" She says demanding. "Show yourself!" Someone was then walking towards her on the other side of the cell, and she was met with a familiar face. Someone that she has been looking for.

"F-Father?" Y/N says in disbelief, tears forming in her eyes.

"Yes, it's me Y/N." The man said smiling at her daughter.

"Father!" She says as she scootches more towards the bars of the cell for her to make contact with her father's touch. Y/N's father took his hand and grabbed Y/N's head, hugging her, through the bars. "I-I missed you so much, father!"

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