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"Mother!" Y/N screams in her castle halls, "Mother where are you!" She yells once again. Y/N looked in every room that is open until she found her mother in one of the castle rooms, "Mother!" Y/N runs up to her mother giving her a great big hug.

"Y-Y/N?" Her mother says looking down at the girl. "Y/N!" M/N exclaims as she wraps her arms around her daughter. "Oh, dear! I missed you!" She says as he examines her daughter's facial features. Y/N chuckled,

"I've missed you too mother" She smiles. "But I have something for you. They're waiting for you in the Castle Garden." M/N looks at her daughter confusingly, until she realized who Y/N's talking about. Both rushes to the castle garden, opening the glass see-through doors, Seeing a man in front of them, who then turns around to smile at the two.

"M/N," Y/N father says lovingly as he opens his arms to embrace a hug from his wife. "I've missed you, my love."

"I've missed you too dear." Y/N then comes into the hug and smiles at the happy moment with her parents.

As everyone was eating their meal at the table happily one of the castle guards came running into the dining room.

"I'm sorry your highnesses! But the Isadore family would like to speak with you, it's urgent!" Y/N and her parents look at each other confusingly. Both families were met in the royal throne room of Y/N parents.

"Oh! How wonderful to see Princess Y/N again! Everyone was so worried about you dear!" Dominic's mother exclaimed, faking her smile. Y/N just smiled awkwardly at the woman, while sitting down by the window. She then spotted Dominic beside her, Y/N waved, and so did Dominic, but he'd seemed different from before. More like upset? But sad?

"I'm sorry, but my daughter has been here the whole time?" Y/N's mother corrected Dominic's mother. Even though M/N was lying, she still had to cover up her daughter's disappearance.

"D/M/N Have we met before? I feel like we've seen each other before, or I've seen you somewhere." F/N interpreted M/N. Dominic's father narrowed his eyes at his wife and the same with Dominic. Dominic's mother panicked a bit and laughed,

"Oh F/N, I'm sorry but I haven't seen you before! I guess I'm just only meeting you now, you must've mistaken me for someone else." Dominic's mother laughed it off, making Y/N's father narrow his eyes, and think. Everyone in the room went silent. "Well! Anyways, the reason why we came here, is to talk about our children's marriage arrangement!" Dominic's mother smirked, as she clapped her hands together.

"Ah, I see. Well, now since my dear husband is back, I think we can call off the wedding." M/N smiled. Y/N looked overjoyed by what she was hearing.

"W-What? You can't just call it off just like that! My son needs a bride!"

"Well I'm sorry, but since I have returned, my daughter does not need to marry someone just yet, not until another year, unless she has found someone that suits her, in her own interests." Y/N's father announced. This made Dominic's mother open her mouth wide, in shock.

"B-But, Your daughter and my son-"

"Mother please-" Dominic said, trying to stop his mother,

"Not now Dominic! Can't you see I'm trying to get you this kingdom for our own sakes! I did not meet up with Regina for nothing!" Dominic's mother then shuts her mouth in shock, realizing what she has said.

"R-Regina-" Y/N says in shock.

"Mother who is Regina? Is that why you were gone that night a few nights ago?" Dominic asks his mother. Dominic's mother turns around slowly, looking at Y/N's shocked face, she started fake laughing again.

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