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"Mother!" Prince Dominic ran to his mother, "I can't find Y/N anywhere in the castle!" The young man examined. "What?" His mother responded.

"She's not anywhere in the castle mother!"

"I shall have a word with her mother." Dominic's mother got up from her seat and walked towards the hall where Y/N's mother was standing in front of the window in thought. "M/N." Queen M/N looked at Dominic's mother.


"Where is your daughter right now?"

"Well I shall say, she is in her room studying right now."

"My son says she is currently not in the castle at the moment." Queen Isadore narrowed her eyes.

"O-oh well she must be in the garden! I do know my daughter loves the fresh air, rather than staying in the castle!" Queen M/N chuckled nervously.

"Hm. I suppose." Dominic's mother says in response. "Very well then." She walks away from M/N leaving her once again alone. Y/N's mother sighed, then looked out the window in thought, 'Please be safe out there Y/N..."


Y/N snuggled with her blanket, still sleeping comfortably in the bed. She then hears talking from outside of the window and opens her eyes. The warm-toned sun hits her face coming from the window and causes her to yawn. "Huh?" The girl looks around, to find herself alone in the bedroom. "Where is everyone?" She questioned. She gets up and looks out the window seeing all of her friends leave to go somewhere. "I wonder where they're going." She then notices Merlin left behind going towards the stable. "I think I'll make myself some tea, and maybe some for Merlin too since he looks like he'll be staying here."

The princess goes downstairs and makes her and her prince some nice warm green tea that was left in the cabinet that she found. She stirred the tea making sure it was not too hot, but rather, a good temperature. Y/N walks out the door and spots Merlin sitting down on a stump log looking kind of upset. "Morning Merlin!" The female exclaimed while holding out the same cup of tea in both hands. Merlin looked up and his mood changed completely.

"Oh! Morning princess!" Merlin said with a smile and walked towards the girl. "Oh, now what's all this?" The boy said with a smirk.

"I thought you might want some!" Y/n says with a smile, which makes Merlin blush a bit with the girl's action. Both then sat down on the same log, backs facing each other, while sipping their tea in hand. "So, why are you here alone? Where'd everyone go?" The girl asked curiously.

"Well, I had to stay behind and watch long ears over there, while they went to go and help find Red Shoe's father."

"Long ears?" Y/N looks towards the stable and see's the same wooden bunny from last night. "Hey. isn't that the bunny from yesterday?" She points out.

"Yep, that it is, princess. He isn't all bad." Merlin smiled at the girl. Y/n got up and placed her tea down on the spot she was sitting and walked over to the bunny.

"Hello there bunny, remember me?" She said as she reached out her hand towards the bunny's face, "I'm sorry I hit you yesterday" Y/N chuckled, and then rubbed behind the bunny's ear, and to her surprise, he liked it!

"I think Mr. Long ears like it." Merlin chuckled while admiring the girl. "Yeah, I think so too!" She chuckled again. Merlin then takes a bite out of a carrot, and the wooden bunny looks at Merlin.

"Uhm, Merlin. I think bunny wants a bite out of your carrot." Y/N points out.

"Oh really?" Merlin smirked, the boy extended his arm backward, "Anddd fetch!" Merlin said as he faked throwing the carrot and the bunny fell for it.

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