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As days went on for Y/N training with Adam, she got better and better each day. Being faster in dodging things, and moving very swiftly with objects. But as time moved on, a month or two passed already. She missed her prince and best friend. She tried sending letters, trying to get a hold of them. But no answer. The more she got closer to the end of her training, the more she wanted to also find her two friends. She couldn't stand the thought of them in danger.

Y/n dodged Adam's kick by ducking fast, "Nice one Y/N," Adam said quickly, "But can you dodge this!" He tried kicking Y/N's ankle, in hopes of making her lose her balance and fall. But Y/N jumped at the movement and did a small low spin kick on his ankle instead, making him fall on his but. This made the poor boy wince.

"Oops sorry, Adam!" The princess exclaimed. She lent a hand to the boy and helped him up. "Too much?" Adam chuckled,

"Not at all, princess! I'm actually very impressed!." Adam exclaimed back. The girl blushed at the compliment. She was very proud of the progress that she's been through. All the training was for this mission of finding her father and her friends. All this training was for nothing I mean. "I think you're ready Y/N," Adam said, bringing the girl back to thought.

"R-Really?! You think so!?" She said with her hands clamped together with excitement. "Yep! I'm sure of it! Everything seems to be in place. I may have said this too much, but you really are a fast learner Y/N." The young man said, placing his hand on her shoulder. The princess chuckled,

"Yeah, I think you have said that too much!"

"I should tell your mother that you are ready," Adam said, removing his hand off the girl's shoulder. "I am very proud of you Y/N." He smiled at her. "Even though it only has been a few months, it feels like you're a sister to me." Y/N smiled at Adam. She did too, thinking of him as a brother. Because as time flew by they were getting comfortable around each other like siblings. "It's been a pleasure working with you Y/N. I do hope we get to work together sometime again soon." Adam said, taking out his hand gesturing a handshake to the girl.

"No, thank you, Adam. I know we'll be working together soon!" The princess said with a cheery smile and took the handshake in return.


"Are you sure you're ready dear?" Queen M/N looked at her daughter with crossed arms.

"Yes mother, for thousands of times, I'm ready," Y/n said getting annoyed by her mother's nagging. The princess tried to fix her caped hood, making sure it was not very noticeable for her to be seen. Y/N wore a dress that was not very noticeable to others, with a satchel on her side in case of emergencies. Her mother walked toward her and hugged her tightly. She doesn't want her daughter to be out there by herself, but. It's Y/N's choice to make. Her mother sighs.

"Please be careful out there Y/N. and return home safely." Queen M/N said to her daughter. "I'll try my best to stall the Isadore family as long as I can." Y/N looked into her mother's eyes and said she started tearing up. "Please return home safely, my flower." The woman hugged Y/N once again before letting go.

"I will mother, I will," Y/N said with a smile of reassurance. Her mother smiled back and then proceeded to walk out of her daughter's room. Y/N looked at the door once it was closed. 'Am I really doing this?' the princess asked herself. She took a breath and walked out of her room carefully making sure no one spots her.

The plan is that once Queen M/N walks out of Y/N rooms, she tells the guards to follow her, in need of "assistance" so that her daughter can carefully, without being caught, exit out of the kingdom through the secret underground passage that leads out of the castle.

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