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Merlin and Y/N sat on the hay that was left in the barn on the ground in silence. Y/N fidgeted with her fingers, waiting for Merlin's "speech". "You know, you told me to come out here to talk, right?" The girl questioned, without looking at Merlin.

"I know. It's just-"

"Just what?"

"Just- I wasn't thinking." The boy looked down to his knees. "And I'm sorry if I made you feel- upset." Merlin started fidgeting with his fingers. "And I'm sorry, about everything that has happened. I truly am." Y/N hugged her knees, bringing her chin upon her knees. "And, It's not your fault, it's mine-"

"No. It's not your fault. It should be my fault." Y/N cutted off the prince. Merlin looked at the girl in confusion. "I'm the one who's getting jealous. You should be free to do anything as you please. I shouldn't be in control of who you wanna be with. Because in the end. It's not like we're together or anything." She hides her face in her knees. Merlin goes into shock with a blush upon his cheeks. He starts laughing, making the girl look at him in confusion, "Hey! What's so funny!?" The boy paused for a moment, just looking at her, to then start laughing again making his stomach hurt. "Merlin!" The girl shouts flustered.

"Nothing! It's just- you said were jealous!" He continues laughing, which makes the girl blush hard. "And, yes even though I didn't mean to hurt you, you were jealous! And I can't get that out of my head now!"

"Yeah! So what if I was jealous! I bet if you saw me with another man, you'd be jealous too!" Merlin stops laughing at the girl,

"Pfft me jealous- Of who? Prince Average?"

"I never mentioned who Merlin," The girl smirked. Which made Merlin speechless.

"I-I was so no jealous of him! Not in that kind of way!"

"Oh yeah? How about when he was talking about how he wanted to take me to his ball party?"

"He has no right to take you out-" Which then makes the girl laugh. Merlin blinks at the girl and then smiles. 'She smiles so beautifully' he thought. "You're so cute." Y/N wipes her joy of tears away and stops to look at Merlin. "You know come to think of it, back to what you said earlier. If we were together, "together," I don't think I'd let another man even touch you." He smirked at the girl. And oh my god, this made Y/N blush so hard. She covered her face with her hands and made Merlin chuckle.

"Hey princess," Y/N looked at the dwarf. "I want you to close your eyes for a moment." The girl gave a questionable look to the boy but still did it anyway since they were now on better terms. "I want you to imagine the real me now." He says getting closer to the girl. And as Y/N closers her eyes, Merlin turns to his human self, "Do you feel anything different?"

"I-" She breathes again, "I do feel something different in the air." She smiles, with her eyes still closed. Merlin begins going closer to the girl's face.

" Y/N, I've been wanting to say something," He says looking at the girl's facial features.

"Hm? And what might that be?" The girl smiled still closing her eyes.

"That I-" He gets closer, looking at the girl's lushed lips, "Love-" He tucks a hair behind her ear, "Yo-"

"Merlin!" A voice spoke making Y/N and Merlin back away from each quickly, looking the opposite away from each other. "Oh- Uhm, was this a bad timing?" Red Shoes says. Merlin was about to say something but Y/N spoke first.

"Uhm- Nope! I was just saying goodnight to Merlin!" Y/N got up and walked right out of the barn as quickly as she could. Leaving Merlin with wide eyes, and Red just standing there with no clue about what was happening. The princess's heart was racing so much. She felt so red. 'Was he about to say he loves me?' Y/N thought as she touched her lips ever so lightly. The girl bites her lip just thinking about it. She walks into the bedroom and lays on the bed looking up at the ceiling. 'Was he really?'

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