The King Of Origami

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Wind went past Mario as he was falling and then his face slammed right into the stone ground. It was the dungeon that laid under Peach's castle it wasn't used that much.

"MARIO!?" A gang of voices yelled.

Mario got up and dusted himself off to see who was speaking and it was a couple of Bowser's Minions.

The Spike states. "You always like making flashy entrances don't you Mario?"

Koopa Troopa chimes in. "You here for The Origami Festival as well?"

Koopa Troopa looked around the dungeon. "This is much a good waiting lounge! I like the dungeon theme going on with it."

"I mean it's a lot better than the last festival I attended such an upgrade this is."

Hammer Bro rolls his eyes. "Anyway have you seen Master Bowser? It's not like him to ditch us minions at public events like this."

Mario was about to answer but another voice called out to him.

"Whoa! It's really you!" Mario looked to where the voice came from and saw a young Goomba another one of Bowser's Minions.

"T-This it's such an honor! I-I such a big fan! I-I mean if we both fight each other and I-I got stomped o-on. It would still be an honor!" Mario was used to these kinds of people so he just gave The Young Goomba a thumbs up and he cheered.

"This is the best day ever! First I meet the Princess! And now you! This is just the best!"

"But...The Princess was a lot more different than I expected she looked a bit not as life like." Mario thought back to the Princess he still needed to find out what was going on and it doesn't seem Bowser's Minions don't seem to know what was going on either.

Then the door of the dungeon slammed open and some Shy Guys came in but...They looked a lot more different they looked like how The Princess looked all folded up.

"CoMe WiTh Us..." One of them spoke out they also had the same Eerie tone The Princess had with her voice.

Bowser's Minions followed the strange Shy Guy with The Goomba cheering happily about seeing a Toad.

Mario was about to follow them but one of the folded up Shy Guy says. "NoT yOu..."

The Young Goomba stopped and says. "Eh no worries Mario I'll make sure to say hi to the Toads for you!"

The Goomba continues to follow the others as the folded up Shy Guy closes the door.

Mario then thought to himself.

Who could be behind this?

The Princess is all folded up and so were those Shy Guys.

Could Bowser behind this?

No... Then his minions would know what's going on.

"So...Mario is your name correct?"

The voice suprised Mario and looked around the dungeon room but saw nobody. Maybe he was hearing things.

"You're pretty confused I don't blame you but...I require your assistance...I'm well... to be honest I don't know where I am it's like I'm stuck between dimension or something like that."

Mario thought for moment on deciding to help who this voice belong to or just to ignore then due to having no idea how to help them and with them also having no idea where they're stuck.

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