Overlook Tower Disaster

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Passing through the pipe Mario falls down onto the wall he had knocked down startling the three Koopa Troopas who were praying there.

"Hey! Watch it! Don't step on our God!" One of the Koopa Troopa said pushing Mario off the image of the Earth Vellumental.

"Yeah step on our God you get a divine punishment!"

"I'm trying to worshippin' here!"

After the yelling the three of them went back to praying.

Olly whispers. "We should leave before they find out we did that."

Mario nods. Along with Olly they start climbing up the steps towards the exit but next to the rock they noticed a folded up bug that they didn't see before.

Mario whacks it and it unfolds.

"Phew. Thanks Mario. Say does this rock really look like the Earth Vellumental? I don't really see it honestly."

"No it's not." Olly chimes in.

"You say it like you know." The Toad replies.

"Uhh...Well...It looks nothing like a shell! It's more rock shaped." Olly tried to cover.

The Toad shrugged. "I guess you have a point there."

"Psst! Mario let's get out of here now." And the both of them hurry towards the exit of the Temple hopefully nobody telling the Koopa Troopas what they did.


Once outside there was a few things set up. There was a Toad selling some items,a rock figure, and a weirdly shaped mushroom. And to the right side of Mario was a Popcorn cart that a Toad was at.

Olly looked at the weirdly shaped mushroom. "That's a strange mushroom and it doesn't look like the one next to it."

Mario and Olly approaches the weird mushroom and has a closer look at it. "Hey!" The Toad managing the shop yells.

"You want this right? But why? If you want it then...It must be very valuable!"

Olly tried to interject. "Well it mi-"

"No! I will not sell it."

"But then why is it on displ-"

"I said no!"

Olly huffed. "You dare speak to a King this way!"

"Why I-" Mario just hits the mushroom with his hammer and it unfolded into a Toad.

The Toad jumped down from the stall. "I know what you were all thinking. You were planning on using me when you just thought I was a mushroom! Admit it!"

"I was thinking it."The other Toad muttered.

Olly turned away. "Tch such a rude Shop Owner." Olly turned this eyes to the Toad next to the Popcorn cart and heads over there with Mario following behind him.

"Oh hello! Would you like some Popcorn? It's 100 coins per bag."

"Popcorn? I've never heard of that so yes!" Olly declares.

"Umm. You don't mind paying right Mario?"

Mario pulls out 100 coins a gives it to the Toad.

The Toad nods a presses a button on the machine.

It starts shaking but instead of Popcorn poping out some crumpled up Toads start poping out of the machine.

They each say 'pop' before running off and the Toad looks down in disappointment.

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