Dangerous Acts

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They all make a stop onto the next floor and the Blue Toad jumps back onto the stage as the curtain rises to reveal an dark alley on set with some building that weren't in the best shape.

And standing right in the center under a spotlight was a familiar figure that Mario recognized. It was Birdo she stands there as some snapping was heard as some Paper Macho Koopa Troopas come in on the stage snapping their fingers with the one in front of them wearing sunglasses.

And the Paper Macho Koopa Troopas do a dramatic spin and stop in front of Birdo who turns away from them.

The Blue Toad pulls out the script as he speaks for them. "Hey there, good-lookin'! Wanna go start some trouble?"

Then more snapping is heard as some other Paper Macho Koopa Troopas who had red shells and shoes instead. With the one in front also wearing glasses. They also do a dramatic spin and stop in front of Birdo who once again turns away from them.

"Scram, Sam. She's gonna be MY main squeeze tonight!"

Birdo spoke up. "Whoa. Slow down, boys."

"Your enthusiasm? Adorable. But I'm not sure EITHER of you has what I'm looking for."

"I need a little STRONG go-getter. A rugged handyman who gets the job done..."

"And lucky me I hear we have a CELEBRITY in the audience who fits the bill."

She walks forward on the stage and closes her eyes and places her claw on her chest. "He's got sensitive eyes...A burly mustache...Nice, beefy calves to power those big jumps..." As Birdo talks the two Folded Ninjis bring in the steps again.

"Get on up here, Mario and bring your little Bob-omb friend too. Let's see you two go toe to toe with these shellions!"

Then once again lights shine upon Mario and Bobby.

"You two are getting in the shows a lot." Olly said.

"I would deny going on stage. But...I got a feeling I don't have a choice." Bobby said as he and Mario went onto the stage.

"I believe in you two!" Olly cheered as they both stepped onto the stage.

"Hey there, Overalls and little Bob-omb. Glad you two could join us." She winks at Mario.

"YOU'RE the greaser this bird is gaga for? What a load of baloney!" The green shelled leader points at him.

"Heh. We'll SEE how tough he and his puny friend is. Let's dance!" The Blue Toad voiced for the red shelled leader.

Birdo dances her feet around in excitement. "Ooh, what a TREAT! And it's not even my birthday!"

"I want a to see a good, clean fight. Try not to bruise each other TOO badly, OK?"

"Why do I have a feelings they're going to do it anyway." Bobby whispered to Mario.

Birdo runs into the building on the stage and onto the railing of the building to watch the fight safely as each of the Paper Macho Koopa Troopas all back up at each ends of the stage and tuck into their shells and dash towards Mario and Bobby.

Mario jumps out of the way but Bobby wasn't fast enough and gets hit which sends him flying. "I KNEW IT!!!" He cried.

Olly and the crowd gasped in horror as they watched Bobby get launched across the stage.

Mario panicked and he ran to catch Bobby. He jumps into the air and catches Bobby which earns them a cheer from the crowd and Olly.

"Why me..." He said. "Wha-Look out!" Bobby yelled.

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