Up The Mountain And Down

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Mario,Olly and Bobby walk up the pathway but they were also attacked again by more Folded Soldier Spinys and Paragoombas who seemed a lot more aggressive then normal they let out growls and hissed mainly at Mario. They all charged towards Mario ignoring Olly and Bobby.

They all jump onto Mario taking him off guard and knocking him to the ground they bite down viciously onto Mario

"Yikes! Big M hold on!" Bobby charges towards the Folded Soldiers and slams his body onto one of the Paragoombas bite him knocking it away and bursting into confetti.

Olly floats over quickly trying to pull one of the Folded Soldiers off Mario. "Move! Get off him!"

But it was to stubborn and wouldn't get off.

"What is with these Folded Soldiers? They weren't this aggressive with our previous encounters with them." Olly pulled much harder and the Folded Soldier came off with Olly being knocked back a bit after pulling it off of Mario.

Mario grabbed the other two Folded Soldiers that were biting him and threw them to the ground and slammed them with his hammer.

The one Olly had thrown off Mario was about to go after Mario again but Olly blocked it's path. "You stop right there!"

The Folded Soldier tried to go around Olly but be kept blocking it's path. "I'm not letting you past! Now get going or...I..Uh...I'll somehow give you a world of pain! I may be the King Of Origami. But I will show no mercy to you if you hurt my friends again!"

The Folded Soldier looked at Olly before running away. Olly looked a bit proud of himself. "Ha! I showed that Folded Soldier!"

Olly floated back over to Mario and Bobby. "We showed those Folded Soldiers!" Olly cheered.

"Whew... Those folded guys really are dangerous." Bobby said looking around in case of anymore of them were around.

"But allow us to move forward!" Olly pointed forward and floated forward as Mario and Bobby followed quickly behind him.


Moving forward the trio discover a few patches of puddles of water and a few non folded up Cheep Cheep fish flopping around. While there also being some folded ones as well but they weren't that much of a threat without water.

"Huh? What are these fishes doing out of water? I'm sure that little puddle won't help them." Olly said looking at the Cheep Cheeps flopping about.

"Uhh yeah that is weird. Even without my memory I am pretty sure fish to need water." Bobby said looking a bit confused at the Cheep Cheeps.

After walking by the little fishes the three of them spot a boat lying on the ground.

"Hey look a boat! All the way up here?" Bobby said getting closer to it.

Olly also looks at the boat. "How strange...I'm pretty sure boats float on water. But there is barely any water to float on. Whoever brought it here must of sadly wasted their efforts."

"I don't think that's it sir..." Bobby said bluntly.

Bobby looked around. "If there is a boat here...Then there has to be a lake."

"But since we can't see one...It could mean..." Bobby looked at the puddles.

"IT'S ALL DRIED UP!" Bobby yelled out.

"Oh! That makes sense why there's a boat here now. No effort wasted then. But...What happened to the water?" Olly questioned.

Bobby shrugged the best he could without the use of arms. "I don't know...But if we did find a way to put the water back into the lake. We could ride it all the way over that dead end!"

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