The Caves Of Grief

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Mario looked towards the cave that Olly had ran away into. His body was shaking still...

Come on...Come on...You need to go after him! Mario thought to himself as he forced his shaking body to move towards the cave.

You can't leave him alone like this... Mario thought to himself as he entered the cave.


Inside of the cave there were some railway tracks and two tunnels leading different ways in the cave. Mario did notice there was quite a breeze going through the tunnel. But that didn't matter.

He needed to find Olly.

Mario looked around to caves to see any sign of him. But in his search he spotted a Monty Mole.

Maybe...He knows where Olly went. Mario thought as he walks over to the Monty Mole.

"Whoa! Hey there." The Monty Mole said suprised at Mario's appearance.

"Us Monty Moles don't get many guests down here in our little tunnel. Ah, we could do a better job advertisin'..." The Monty Mole says.

"Kinda funny...You're not the first to come through here." Mario perked up at that.

"A giant beetle with tears runnin' down it's face just buzzed past." The Monty Mole points down the tunnel.

That has to be Olly! Even if...He doesn't look anything like a beetle.

Mario thanks the Monty Mole as he quickly rushes down the tunnel.

"Uhh...Your welcome!" The Monty Mole calls out.


Mario walks deeper down the tunnel to see some more Monty Moles. Just...Going about their day...Like...Nothing happened...

It's...Not like they know but...It just hurts...To see the world go on...Without Bobby...

Mario didn't expect their time together to just end like this...

I don't think Olly did either...

Maybe if...He saw something...Saw what Bobby ment earlier...He could of stopped him...

Stopped what he was planning and find...Another way...

But...Maybe that is just wishful thinking...This...Was probably the only way...

Mario sighed to himself as he continued forward through the cave and asking the Monty Moles of any sign of him.

One of the Monty Moles points him in the right direction even at first he accused him of being a beetle bully and being the reason he was crying...

He wasn't...

It was...

Olivia...She was the one who tried to crush them with a boulder...

That caused Olly to try and save them...

Only to be crushed and loose a part of his arm...

Now...Because of that...Bobby had to...

Why do some Bob-ombs...Have such a fate...To just blow up...And then die...

Maybe if Bobby...Was like the ones he had met...

They could of continued this adventure together...

Mario wouldn't be feeling this way...

And Olly...

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