Blue Streamer Interlude

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Meanwhile at Peach's Castle...

"Phew...Still more to fold." Olivia said as she placed down a paper crane beside her as she sat on the stairs.

As a few Folded Soldiers and a Folded Princess Peach watch from a distance as she started to fold another paper crane.

"Now it's only a matter of time before my Brother comes running back to me."

"He'll see that play and know that I am right. He'll finally see the truth!" Olivia giggled to herself.

"Honestly I don't know what's so special about those stupid Flat Paper Beings...But now he'll see that I am the right choice!"

Olivia giggled to herself. "Isn't this great! He'll be coming back to me!"

The Folded Soldiers cheered.

"Hehe! Rubber Band we'll take care of that Mario and that stupid Flat Paper!"

While Olivia was laughing to herself she heard a withering sound. "Wait..."

She looked through the window the best she could to see the Blue Streamer withering away from the Castle as confetti falls from the sky.


"Rubber Band..." Olivia said softly as in a bright light the Blue Streamer disappears from around the castle.

She crumbled the piece of paper in her hands.

"That...That...THAT MARIO!!!" She threw the paper to the ground.

"Heh...Hehehehehe...Oh Mario...You just love ruining my plans don't you?" Olivia laughed to herself.

"Colored Pencils...Now Rubber Band...They're gone...And it's all his fault..."

"B-But maybe! Olly decided to call it quits and finally ditch Mario! M-Maybe that play finally convinced him! M-Maybe in her last breathe she was able to convinced him!" Olivia said holding onto her head.

"Heh...He has to come back..."

"He can't leave me behind. I'm his Sister. That should be the only thing that matters to him."

"OLiVa..." An eerie voice said.

"WHAT!?" Olivia yelled as she turned to face the voice.

She saw it was one of her Folded Soldiers. Olivia took a deep breathe and let it out as she repeated what she said in a more cheery tone. "Ahem...I'm sorry I mean what is it?"

"YoUr BrOtHeR WaS WiTh tHe MuStaCHiOed OnE OnCe AgAin...hE DiD'nT sEeM fOnD oF tHe pLaY..."

Olivia just stared at the Folded Soldiers as she retrieved the news.

Then She started to scream.


She took in heavy breaths as she stopped and stared at the ground shaking. "No...Nononono!!! That play should of showed him the truth! I know what happened that day! I know what I saw! I'm not wrong! Why...Why...Can't he see that..?"

"T-That Mario...And whatever had Flat Papery Being he's with! They...They must be manipulating him! That has to be it! I can't...I can't be wrong..."

Olivia's gaze turned towards the crumbled up paper that she had threw to the ground.

She floated towards it and gently picked it up from the ground.

"I won't throw you away just because you're a crumbled piece of paper."

Paper Mario : Refolded RolesWhere stories live. Discover now