Chestnuts And Shrines

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Falling through the leaves and trees Mario lands perfectly onto the ground.

Mario lets go of Olly as he brushes himself off. He then turned to Olly but to be greeted by an annoyed look.

"While I do see this as commendable to jump down to save Bobby. DON'T JUST GRAB ME AND JUMP!" Olly yelled. "Ahem. What I mean is...Let. Me. Float. Down."

"Understand?" Olly asked and Mario nodded. "Good! But we should get onto our next task. Finding Bobby." Olly looked around. "Hmm maybe he went to find a way out before we fell."

Olly heads up the slope. "Let us move forward to find Bobby." He says as he heads up it. Mario goes to follow after him only to see Olly going back down in a panic. "Nope!Nope!Nope!" He said.

Olly quickly hides behind Mario and Mario looks ahead to see what had spooked Olly so much. And ahead he saw giant chestnuts rolling down the slope towards them.

Mario jumps off the slope and avoids the chestnuts. "Why those things are quite spikey! Why couldn't we end up in a nice forest like that whispering one! At least the trees there were nice." Olly said.

Mario looked back up the slope to see holes in the side the wall. They looked big enough for them to avoid the chestnuts in.

Mario goes back up the slope and avoids the chestnuts by using the holes in the walls but as they get higher and higher up the slope they here a voice try out to them. "HELP! Mario!" It was Bobby's voice calling out to them.

"Bobby! Phew I am glad he's o-GAAH WATCH OUT!!!" Olly pointed out the row of chestnuts heading towards them but they weren't close to any holes but...Mario noticed a crack in wall and hits it with his hammer and it breaks away making a hole and the both of them quickly hide in the hole to avoid the row of chestnuts.

As they passed by Mario ran out with Olly behind him.

Ahead he spotted a Folded Soldier Goomba hitting the tree that caused the chestnuts to fall out. Mario gave the Goomba a whack with his hammer and the Goomba turned right into confetti.

"Phew... At least that's taken care of. Good work as always Mario." Olly said with a proud look.

"But now we can get to Bobby now." They continue to climb upward but above them from the trees chestnuts start falling.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!" Olly yelled as they ran forward.

"HEELLLPPP!!!" Bobby yelled. Mario looks to where the voice was coming from to see Bobby with his face stuck in the ground on a lower ledge.

Mario jumped down with Olly following after him.

Mario grabbed Bobby and pulled him out of the ground. "Big M! Sir! You saved me!" Bobby cheered.

"I really didn't mean to fall off the bridge like that...I said I wouldn't let you down...But I ended up doing so anyway...I'm so sorry..." Bobby said looking down at the ground.

Bobby started to shed a tear. "O-Oh my two best buds just saved my life! What a great memory this is going to be..."

"Well...It's no trouble at all Bobby. We should of warned you of the Paper Macho Soldiers. Anyway! We're just glad you're not hurt." Olly said. "But maybe be more careful around bridges."

"Right, Sir. I will! I promise! I'd even pinky swear...If I even had a pinky." Bobby looked around. "But...Can we leave now? Those pointy chestnut things look like they HURT."

"I know right!" Olly agreed.

Mario jumped down from the ledge with Bobby and Olly following after him. And they all ran through the falling chestnuts again luckly none of them ended up hitting them.

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