Down The River To Shogun

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Mario with Olly on his head exit The Shrine with Bobby still waiting for them at the front. "Oh Bobby hey....Good to see you waited..." Olly said waving a little.

"Heh...You should of seen that Water Vellumental that we fought...It was quite magnificence...Now we got it's power..."

"H-Huh? R-Really? It was actually that great? Like...REALLY?" Bobby asked in surprise.

Mario nods carefully not wanting to knock Olly off. "Huh! So I missed an awesome water monster. That's...Fine. That's cool. Maybe I'll meet it...Some other...Time..." Bobby said sounding disappointed.

"Don't worry...You'll see it soon..."

"But other then that. Are you ok, Sir?" Bobby asked.

"Oh just very...Very tired. I just need a little break." Olly said.

"Well when Big M and I were running after you when you went off to this Shrine I did see a bench next to a big hole in the wall. Maybe it'll be good for you to rest there. That sound good Big M?" Mario gives a thumbs up.

"Mmmh...Alright a bench is great for...The King to rest on..." With that they headed over to the bench Bobby was talking about.


Mario had placed down Olly onto the bench who happily rested onto it. He looked up at the autumn leaves falling off the trees and being blown away by the wind. Bobby hops onto the bench as well sitting next to Olly.

"Heh this bench is real nice, Sir." Bobby looks over to Mario who was filling in the tear in reality in the wall which turned into a door.

"Oh so that was a door? Heh honest mistake." Bobby said.

"So want to join us, Big M?" Bobby asked.

Mario shook his head explaining he's going to fill in some tears in reality and save some Folded Toads around the area of The Shrine.

"Oh really? Well ok good luck Big M." Bobby said as Mario went into the door first but after a bit comes out and walks down the wooden stairs.

"Bobby..." Olly said getting Bobby's attention.

"What is it, Sir?"

"How do you think these trees...Change the color of their leaves?" Olly said pointing towards the leaves.

"Huh well...I honestly got no clue, Sir."

"Well maybe they're embarrassed..? And that's why they turn red." Bobby looked confused at Olly.

"Uhh...I don't think that's it, Sir." Bobby said bluntly.

Olly faced turned red with embarrassment. "N-Now that I think about it...It sounds quite dumb...F-Forget I said that!" Olly said covering his face.

"Eh... Sure, Sir." Bobby said as he notices Mario coming back. "Oh hey Big M."

"Oh Mario! Heh...You know I kinda feel a bit better from relaxing on this bench." Olly floats up from the bench.

"We better get going to the dried lake." Olly said as the three of them make there way there.


Once they arrived at that dried up lake Mario makes his way over to the Magic Circle of The Water Vellumental. And he focuses his energy sending it right to Olly.

In a bright light Olly unfolds and folded right into The Water Vellumental. Olly flies up high into the sky and sprays the water down right into the dried up like filling it up with water lifting up the boats that were inside the dried up lake.

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