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Brooke, Anthony, Tom, and Sophia were still all standing in the fourth-floor hall-way. Suddenly, the four of them heard a door being slammed shut farther down the hall. "Sophia......" they all heard a voice call out. "Max....." Sophia said, loud enough for the others to hear. Anthony turned and shined his flashlight down the hall. The light revealed Daniel standing there, his back to them. His flashlight started to flicker on and off, then he flicked the flashlight off. When he flicked the flashlight back on, Daniel was gone.

All of a sudden, they all heard a soft growl behind them, somewhere in the darkness. Sophia felt a hairy paw grab her by the right ankle. She landed on the floor with a "thump", then before she could say or do anything, she was dragged off deeper into the darkness. "Where is Sophia?" Tom asked, shining his flashlight down the hall. The beam of light revealed Daniel bent over his sister's dead corpse. But it wasn't actually him, and he has become a blood-thirsty beast.

The werewolf had its face deep in the right side of Sophia's dead body. Once the werewolf had a light pointed at it, the beast stood up on its hind legs. Anthony, Brooke, & Tom all watched as the beast stood up, reaching its full height. Its glowing red eyes shined even brighter in the light. The werewolf slowly walked towards the group of three adults, its strong hairy arms stretched out, touching the walls on both sides. The beast ran its sharp claws along the walls, creating a eerie sound that echoed through the hall-way.

Anthony, Brooke, and Tom all started to back up as the werewolf lowered itself onto all four feet, and the beast was gaining speed. Anthony gave his girlfriend a gentle push ahead of him, as the three of them started to run. They rushed through the door leading to the stairs, and they ran up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. When the door was almost closed, the werewolf burst through the door, moving with lightning speed. The door slammed open hard against the wall, the impact of the blow creating a loud "bang" that echoed through the stairway. The door slammed shut after it bounced off the wall.

Anthony, Brooke, and Tom ran up the flights of stairs as fast as they could, their flashlight beams bouncing up and down. Their footsteps echoed through the dark stairway. The werewolf jumped onto a wall, then the beast leaped off the wall, gaining speed. The beast's sharp claws scratched the concrete stairs as the werewolf rushed up the stairs. Tom was about to rush up another flight of stairs, when suddenly, the beast grabbed him by the shoulders. With a single yank, Tom was pulled back down the stairs. Brooke and Antony both heard a loud growl, then a round of bullets being fired.

The small flashes of light lit up the dark stairway, giving away enough light for Tom to see some features of his attacker. The werewolf's jaws were wide open, its razor sharp teeth ready to tear something apart. It slashed its sharp claws across Tom's chest, the claws ripped through the fabric of his shirt. The claws tore into the skin of his chest as Tom let out a scream of pain. Brooke held the door leading to the seventh-floor hall-way open, and she leaned the upper half of her body out into the stairway. "Anthony, hurry up!" she said, her voice echoing.

But Anthony just stood there, his left hand gripping the railing tightly, his flashlight in his right hand. The beam of light revealed Tom, who had his back pressed against the wall, and the beast bent over Tom. As Anthony watched in terror, with a single swift movement, the werewolf shot its head forward, and dug its sharp fangs deep into Tom's right shoulder. The beast ripped its teeth out of his shoulder, tearing a chunk of skin off his body. Anthony started to back up to where Brooke was, as the beast looked up at him, its red eyes glowing brighter in the light.

The werewolf rushed up the stairs, as Brooke grabbed her boyfriend by his right arm, and pulled him into the hall-way. Anthony slammed the door shut, and pressed his back against the door. The beast slammed its body into the door, causing the door to creak open a little. Anthony grunted as he pushed back against the door with almost all of his strength. Brooke backed away farther down the hall-way, then she bumped into someone behind her. She let out a gasp as she spun around, her flashlight beam sweeping across the floor. Max stood less than three feet away from Brooke, his AR-15 assault rifle slung over his shoulder.

He had his right hand covering his eyes, so the beam of light didn't blind him. "Can you lower the light?" Max asked, then Brooke lowered her flashlight beam to the ground at his feet. "Sophia is dead..... I'm sorry," she told him, stepping closer to him as he stood there in shock. The door kept on pounding against Anthony's back as the werewolf kept on slamming its body against the door on the other side of the door. "What's out there?" Max asked, stepping closer to Brooke. It's Daniel....." Anthony said, his voice loud enough to be heard over the pounding door. "We need to go, now!" he said, pushing himself off the door and took off running down the hall-way behind Brooke and Max.

The door slammed open as the beast came bursting out into the hall-way. The werewolf's claws scratched at the stone floor as it tried to find its footing. The beast slammed its side against a wall, then it continued its chase. Brooke's flashlight beam bounced up and down as she ran down the hall-way with Max & Anthony. The beast launched itself forward, its sharp claws out in front of it. The beast pounced onto Anthony's back, the sudden impact of heavy weight sent him falling to the ground. He could feel the werewolf's hot breath on the back of his neck as the werewolf's nose was just a inch away from touching the back of his head.

Brooke looked back behind her as she kept on running. "Anthony, no," she said, stopping and started to walk back to him. "No! Brooke, go!" Anthony told her, his voice louder than he wanted it to be. Max grabbed her by the left arm, stopping her in her tracks. "We need to go," he told her, slowly backing up. The beast stared at the two of them, its red eyes glowing in the darkness. Brooke and Max both rushed down the hall-way as Anthony was dragged off into the darkness. The two of them could hear Anthony's final scream, as the werewolf's sharp claws tore through the fabric of his clothes, slicing through his skin. Suddenly, a powerful roar came from behind them, somewhere in the darkness, then there was complete silence.

Brooke & Max were both halfway down the hall, when Max noticed that there was a door open. "Come on," he said, quickly moving through the open doorway. Brooke went into the room after Max. Once they were both in the room, Max started to close the door. All of a sudden, when the door was almost closed, a hairy paw shot out through the small gap, and grabbed ahold of the edge of the door. Brooke looked through the gap and out into the hall-way, and she let out a gasp at what she saw. The werewolf's left eye stared at her through the gap. The door suddenly started to be pushed open as the beast pressed its huge, powerful body against the other side of the door.

Brooke rushed over to the door, then Max pressed his back against the door, trying to close the door. Brooke did the same thing that Max did, hoping that with their strength combined, the two of them could close the door. The door continued to be pushed open, and when there was enough room in the gap, the werewolf shot its head into the room. Brooke let out a scream as the beast started to bark wildly, fresh blood dripped from its fangs. The beast continued to bark, its powerful jaws snapping open and shut, its sharp fangs just inches away from where Max was. Both Brooke and Max pushed harder against the door, managing to close the gap a little.

Suddenly, with a strong burst of strength, the werewolf sent the door flying open. The impact sent Brooke & Max falling back onto the floor. The two of them backed away as the beast rose up onto its hind legs. The werewolf's red eyes glowed in the darkness, staring down at the two adults, as the beast stood up, reaching its max height. The beast took a step towards the two adults, its claws ready to rip something apart. Max grabbed his AR-15 assault rifle and aimed the gun at the werewolf, that was towering over them. Brooke could see the outline of the werewolf's huge body against the shadows that surrounded the beast.

Max pulled the trigger of his gun, and a round of bullets were shot out of the assault rifle. The bullets mostly missed its target, but the rest of the bullets hit the beast right in the chest. The werewolf stumbled back into the hall-way as its body took the blows of the bullets. When the beast was in the hall-way, Max and Brooke both got up onto their feet, and rushed over to the door. He slammed the door shut and both of them pressed their backs against the door. Suddenly, there was loud pounding on the metal door as the beast slammed its body against the door. Both of the adults pushed harder against the door, keeping the door shut. As soon as the pounding started, it stopped and complete silence fell over the room. The two adults could hear the werewolf's claws scratching the floor, as the beast rushed back up the hall-way.

Both Brooke and Max were breathing heavy, their backs still pressed against the metal door. "Is it gone?" she asked, her breathing returning to normal. "Yeah, I think he's gone," Max told her, getting off of the door. Brooke moved behind him as he grabbed the door-handle, and he pulled the door open. The two adults stepped out into the hall-way, and Max looked up and down the hall-way, searching for any movement.

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