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Jenny could hear her parents talking in the living-room, the sound of the tv playing in the background. Suddenly, there was pounding on the front-door and her parents stopped talking. In the living-room, Mr.McCabe got up from the couch and started to walk to the front-door. "Shawn, who is it?"" Ms.McCabe asked her husband, slowly rising onto her feet. Shawn took a quick look through the door window and turned his head to face his wife. "Olivia, grab a knife from the kitchen," he told her, slowly backing away from the front-door. Olivia rushed into the kitchen and she grabbed the sharpest knife that she could find.

Jenny and John stepped out of their bedrooms and into the hall-way, wondering what was happening, when all of the windows in the living-room shattered. Dozens of zombies reached their arms through the broken windows, their rotten fingers scratching at the air. Jenny and John could hear whispering voices coming in through the broken windows. Jenny felt a sudden sharp coldness fill the air in the hall-way. "John, get your sister and go," Shawn told his son, finally realizing that his children were standing behind him. Jenny felt fingers running through her hair.

There was sudden pounding on the front-door, and Shawn rushed over to the door, pressing his back against the wooden door. He pushed his back against the door, as a couple of zombies started to push the door open from outside. They reached their arms through the gap in the door, and the zombies scratched at the air, trying to grab ahold of Shawn. Olivia appeared in the kitchen doorway, gripping a knife in her right hand by the handle. "Jenny....." a deep voice called out in a loud whisper, making its way from the back of the house. Jenny and John both heard a deep growl coming from behind them in the hall-way. Just then, the front-door burst open, sending Shawn stumbling forward.

Zombies slowly made their way through the doorway. Shawn almost fell forward face-first onto the living-room floor, but he caught himself before he hit his head on the floor. Jenny felt a sudden cold breeze shift through the air in the hall-way. John stepped forward, reaching out his right hand to help his father get back onto his feet. She reached out to her brother with her right hand, when suddenly, something slammed into her back from behind her. She fell forward onto the living-room floor, landing on the floor with a "thump". She reached out to her brother, but before she could do anything else, Jenny felt herself being dragged backwards down the hall-way.

Jenny grabbed ahold of the edge of the wall with both of her hands. "John!!" she called out her brother's name, as she struggled to hold onto the wall. She felt a harder pull on her legs, and she lost her grip on the wall. John looked back over his shoulder, and rushed down the hall-way to help his sister. Shawn rushed through the kitchen, and disappeared into the garage, leaving his wife alone for a few moments. Olivia backed up farther into the kitchen, still holding the knife by the handle in her right hand. Shawn reappeared in the kitchen, holding a wooden baseball bat in his right hand.

Shawn and Olivia started to attack the zombies in the kitchen, as John rushed down the hall-way. Jenny was dragged down the hall, and she vanished into the room at the end of the hall-way. The door slammed shut in John's face when he reached the door. He grabbed the doorknob as he could hear his sister screaming from inside the room. John tried to open the door, but the door wouldn't open. He tried to open the door again, but the door still wouldn't open. Jenny's screams stopped, and complete silence fell over the locked room. John took his hand off the doorknob as he heard the door unlock and the door slowly swung open.

In the kitchen, Shawn and Olivia have killed half of the zombies that were coming in through the kitchen doorway. One of the zombies grabbed Shawn by the shoulders, and dug its rotten teeth into his right shoulder. He let out a gasp as pain shot down his arm, making its way down to his fingers. Shawn lost his grip on the wooden baseball bat, and it fell onto the ground. Olivia dropped the kitchen knife she was holding and she quickly picked up the baseball bat off the floor. She hit the zombie in the side of its head with a powerful blow, and the zombie fell onto the floor. Shawn stumbled back into a wall, his left hand pressed on the bite mark on his right shoulder. He slid down the wall as he watched his wife kill the rest of the zombies.

After she killed the rest of the zombies, Olivia dropped the baseball bat onto the floor. She rushed over to her husband's side, and got down onto her knees beside him. Shawn's eyes were already turning red when Olivia checked the wound on his shoulder. "You need to go," he told his wife, staring up at her. "I'm not going to leave you," Olivia told her husband, shaking her head, tears starting to build up in her eyes. "Kill me then," Shawn told her, pointing his right index finger at the kitchen knife. The knife was two feet away from where Olivia was.

Olivia reached her right arm out, and she grabbed the knife by the handle. Turning her hand around, she placed the tip of the blade where Shawn's heart was. "You can do it," Shawn said, resisting the urge to attack his wife. She held the knife there for a few moments, her husband waiting for the sharp pain. "I can't do it," Olivia finally said, lowering the knife from her husband's chest. "I love you," Shawn told his wife, finally giving into the urge to attack. Before Olivia could do anything, Shawn grabbed her by the shoulders, and dug his teeth into her neck. Olivia let out a silent gasp as she felt her blood dripping down the side of her neck. Her fingers went numb, and the knife fell onto the kitchen floor. Shawn pushed Olivia back onto her back on the kitchen floor. He was bent over her body, his teeth still in her neck. She let out another silent gasp as her warm blood spilled out onto the stone kitchen floor.

Jenny was facing the bedroom window, as John entered the bedroom. "Jenny?" he said, turning on the light, but Jenny didn't turn around at the sound of her name. "Jenny?" John said again, walking across the room. "John," Jenny said, finally turning around to face her brother. "Let's go," he told his sister, taking her right hand into his own hand. John and Jenny made their way across the room to the door. "He won't let us leave," Jenny told her brother, right before the bedroom door slammed shut in front of them. "What does he want from us?" John asked, stopping in his tracks.

As if in response to his question, the two of them felt another sudden cold breeze shift through the bedroom. Whispering voices filled the bedroom, circling around Jenny and John. John and his sister both covered their ears with their hands, trying to block out the voices. "Stop! Stop! STOP!!" Jenny shouted, as the voices increased in volume. Suddenly, all of the voices stopped, leaving the bedroom in utter complete silence. Both Jenny and John removed their hands from their ears, then suddenly, the bedroom window shattered, the pieces of broken glass falling onto the carpet. The light started to flicker on and off above their heads.

There was a strong burst of wind, and John was thrown across the room. He hit his back against a wall, and he fell onto the floor. As the overhead bedroom light continued to flicker on and off, darkness started to rise up, towering over John and Jenny. Before the two of them could do anything, the cloud of darkness descended upon them. The bedroom light popped, throwing the room in complete darkness. John and Jenny couldn't see anything in the darkness, but they could see six pairs of glowing red eyes all around them. The two of them heard deep growls, then John felt a powerful blow to his chest.

John stumbled backward, and he caught himself before he fell back. He could hear a loud "bang" as the bedroom door slammed open. Crashing sounds filled the room as glass objects fell from where they were and shattered on the carpet floor. Jenny's sudden scream filled the darkness, followed by the sound of a body being dragged across the floor. He heard another door slamming shut out in the hall-way. The light came back on and John spun around, so he was facing the bedroom door. He quickly rushed out into the hall-way, and rushed into his sister's bedroom.

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