16 part 2

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The group of the survivors rushed out into the night, as Tony and Dave were defending themselves against the werewolves. Shadow ran along beside Rosina as she ran to the barn with Peter and the other four survivors. Jacob, Chase, and Max rushed over to help Ricky. "Get off of me!" Ricky yelled, struggling to free himself from the werewolf's strong grip. As he continued to struggle, he could feel the hot burning pain spreading throughout his entire body. Suddenly, he heard a single gunshot rip through the air of the night, then he heard the werewolf let out a yelp.

Chase rushed over to Ricky's side, and helped him up onto his feet. Ricky leaned against Chase as the two of them, along with Jacob and Max, made their way to the barn. Back inside the house, Tony and Dave were fighting the werewolves that came into the house. One of the werewolves launched itself at Dave, and he quickly moved to one side. The werewolf sailed past him, then he spun around to face the beast. He pointed his 12-gauge shotgun at the beast, then he pulled the trigger. Another werewolf launched itself at Tony, and the beast knocked him onto the floor.

"Hurry up! Come on" Kristin shouted at Chase, Ricky, and the two others as the four of them got closer and closer to the barn. She looked over at the house, and she saw seven werewolves quickly running toward the barn. Jacob, Ricky, Chase, and Max all finally made it through the barn door. Rosina helped Kristin slam the door shut just as one of the werewolves launched itself at the door.

The beast slammed its body against the closed barn-door. Chase lowered Ricky onto the ground, letting Ricky sit with his back against a stack of hay. Chase stood up and walked over to the other eight survivors. "I think we're safe in here," Kristin said, standing next to Peter. Suddenly, the group of ten survivors heard loud noises coming from outside the barn. Ricky groaned in pain as the bite wound on his shoulder continued to sting. All of a sudden, they heard the floorboards of the hay-loft above them creak as something moved on the platform over their heads.

The group of ten survivors stood completely still, listening as something moved across the floor above them. They heard growls all around them, and Rosina looked up to the edge of the hay-loft. A pair of glowing red eyes were staring down at her and the others. Before she could do anything, the beast leaped down onto the barn floor and vanished into the darkness. A few moments later, the seven werewolves stepped out of the darkness and into the light. The werewolves growled and snapped their teeth together as they surrounded the group of ten survivors.

One of the werewolves stepped towards the group, and snapped at them. Jacob, Chase, Brooke, Max, and John all had their right index fingers resting on the triggers of their guns. The seven werewolves started to circle around the ten survivors, who all stood where they were, their weapons out in front of them. Suddenly, one of the werewolves rushed over to where Ricky was, and he sat there, once again frozen with fear.

He sat where he was, fear running through his body, as the beast had its face just two inches from his face. Ricky closed his eyes as he felt the werewolf's hot breath on his face. The werewolf's nose was a inch away from his face, a deep growl coming from deep within the werewolf's throat. He waited for the sudden sharp pain, but there wasn't any. Chase fired his AK-47 at the beast, emptying a whole magazine of bullets into the werewolf's body. The beast tumbled onto its side, and Chase helped Ricky onto his feet. Peter saw a gasoline container sitting in one of the stalls. He made a run for the container, his machete hanging at his side. He grabbed the container, and he rushed back to the others. Jacob, Rosina, Kristin, and the others were near the barn door, their weapons pointed at the werewolves that stood in front of them.

"Carter, John, tip the hay in front of them," Peter told the two of them, the gasoline container hanging at his side. Carter & John pushed against the tall stack of hay in front of them, and the hay fell onto the barn floor. Peter took the cap off of the container, and he tossed the container onto the hay. The gasoline container landed on its side, and gasoline started to pour out onto the hay. Shadow stood in front of the ten survivors, the dogs lips were pulled back, baring its teeth at the six werewolves.

Chase reached into his right back pocket and he pulled out his lighter. He flicked the flame on, and he threw the lighter onto the scattered hay. With a single spark, the scattered hay was lit on fire, forming a wall of flames between the ten teenagers and the six werewolves. "Let's go," Max told the others, raising his voice so he could be heard over the sound of the crackling flames. All ten of them rushed over to the barn door, Shadow standing beside Rosina. John & Max grabbed the edge of the barn door, and they tried to get the door open. The two of them finally managed to get the barn door open.

The ten survivors slipped out of the burning barn and into the darkness of the night. Ricky was the last person through the barn door. He was halfway through the door when one of the werewolves grabbed him by the shoulders. "Go! I'll keep them busy," Ricky shouted at the other nine survivors as the beast pulled him back into the burning barn. Carter and Chase both slammed the barn-door shut, and a loud roar shook the entire barn. The two of them backed up to where the others were waiting for them. The nine survivors took one last look at the burning barn, then they all ran towards the house.

Inside the house, Tony was on his back, on the floor, holding the werewolf above him at arm's length. The beast snarled and snapped its powerful jaws open and shut, just inches away from his face. He threw the beast off of him, and he quickly got up onto his feet. He grabbed his 20-gauge shotgun, spun around, and aimed the gun at the beast. Tony pulled the trigger as the werewolf launched itself at him again. The impact from the shotgun blast sent the beast flying into a wall.

The beast slammed its body into the wall, then its corpse landed on the ground with a "thump". "Let's go!" Tony told his brother, who was already backing up to the front-door. "Tony, come on!" he heard John yelling from outside. Tony grabbed Dave by his right arm, and pulled his brother through the front-door after him. The two adults rushed out into the front-yard where Peter, Jacob, Carter, Rosina, and the rest of the survivors were. "Get to the cars," Dave told them, and all of them took off running to the cars that were parked in the gravel drive-way. Shadow ran beside Rosina and Jacob as they ran with the rest of the group. Both Tony and Dave had their car keys in their right hand, the keys hitting each other as they ran to the cars.

As the eleven survivors were running to the parked cars, they could hear the sound of glass shattering behind them. The remaining werewolves that attacked the house were now pouring out into the front-yard, chasing after the fleeing survivors. Tony, Peter, Jacob, Rosina, Kristin, Carter, Chase, Brooke, and Max all reached the black pick-up truck. Dave and John made it to the sports car, opened the car doors, and slid into the front seats. Tony and Max were in the two front seats of the pick-up truck. Peter, Jacob, and Chase were in the back seats, and the others were in the very back of the truck.

Both Tony and Dave inserted their car keys into the engines, and they brought the engines to life. They put the car gears into drive, and they slammed their right foot down on the gas pedal. The two men drove the cars through the front-yard, and out onto the street. The six werewolves continued to chase after the moving cars. Dave's sports car was behind his brother's black pick-up truck. Rosina sat in the bed of the pick-up truck with the others, her arms wrapped around Shadow, holding the dog close to her. The two cars were speeding down the street, leaving the six werewolves and the burning barn behind them. The werewolves stopped chasing the cars, and one of the creatures tossed its head back towards the moon, and the beast let out a long, loud howl.

One by one, the rest of the werewolves joined in, tossing their hairy heads back and howling at the moon. In the back seat of the pick-up truck, Peter, Jacob, & Chase could feel their eye-lids getting heavy, as the three of them struggled to stay awake. Peter and Jacob both rested their heads on Chase's shoulders. The three of them slowly closed their eyes, and the last thing they heard was the sound of the howl fading off in the distance.

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