16 part 1

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Ricky woke up to the sound of Jenny's scream as she was dragged deeper into the depths of the forest. He threw the covers off of him, placed his feet on the floor, and quietly made his way across the room. He grabbed his shoes, his 243 rifle, and quietly went out into the hall. He slipped his shoes on and made his way down the hall-way, and went down the stairs. Ricky made his way through the darkness, ending up in the kitchen. He opened a cabinet door and he searched for a flashlight, then he found one. He went over to the backdoor, and flicked the flashlight on with his left thumb. He grabbed the doorknob with his free hand, twisted it, and he pulled the door open.

Ricky pulled the back-door behind him as he ran across the back porch. He jumped over the porch steps, and he ran across the backyard. The flashlight beam bounced across the forest floor as he ran through the trees. "Jenny!! Where are you!?" he shouted out into the night, his voice echoing through the forest, ripping through the silence. As in response to his question, Ricky heard a blood-chilling scream that came from within deeper in the depths of the forest. He took off running deeper into the forest, going as fast as he could, his 243 rifle bouncing against his back as he ran. He got closer and closer to the source of the scream, then he suddenly stopped where he was. He crouched down behind a large tree, hiding his body from the chest down behind the tree trunk.

A couple of feet ahead of him, the two werewolves were feasting on Jenny's freshly dead corpse. He slung his rifle off his back and raised the scope up to his right eye. Ricky took a deep breath, his right index finger on the trigger. He aimed the scope at one of the werewolves and he pulled the trigger. The beast let out a yelp as the bullet hit it in the side of the head. The beast fell onto the ground, on its side. The other werewolf lifted its head up, Jenny's fresh blood dripping from its fangs. The beast looked at where Ricky was hiding, its glowing blood red eyes staring at him. He froze where he was, his right index finger still on the trigger. The beast stood where it was for a moment, then it let out a deep growl, and the werewolf ran off deeper into the forest.

Ricky lowered his rifle and he rushed over to where Jenny's corpse was. He got down onto his knees as tears started to form in his eyes. He tried to fight back the tears as his hands hovered over Jenny's corpse. Her dark brown eyes stared up at the night sky, a single claw mark running across her right eye. A chunk of her throat was ripped out, her cool blood oozing out onto the forest floor. Many claw marks were slashed across her chest and arms. Her heart was ripped out of her chest by the werewolves, leaving only a hold in the upper left part of her chest.

Suddenly, he heard several werewolves howl all around him, and he got back onto his feet. Ricky wiped his tears off with his right jacket sleeve, and he looked around. Hidden within the darkness of the forest, he could see the werewolves staring at him, their red eyes glowing in the shadows. Ricky took a few steps back, turned around, and took off running back to the house. As he ran, one of the werewolves stood up on its back legs, raised its head up to the full moon, and the beast let out a long howl.

Ricky ran through the forest, farther and farther away from the howling werewolf. As the beast howled, more and more werewolves joined its pack, their red eyes glowing in the darkness. After the werewolf was done howling, there were fifteen other werewolves surrounding the beast. All sixteen werewolves tossed back their heads to the moon, and they all let out a howl. The werewolves took off running, chasing after Ricky as he was running back to the safety of the house. The werewolves were spread out as they ran through the forest, their heavy footsteps echoing through the silent night air.

Ricky ran through the forest, his 243 rifle slung over his shoulder. He burst out of the trees and into the back-yard, the sixteen werewolves were just a couple of feet behind him. He ran up the porch steps, grabbed the doorknob, twisted it, and he pushed the back-door open. He slipped into the house and slammed the door shut, just as one of the werewolves rushed up onto the porch. He put his back against the wooden door, as the beast slammed its body into the door. He let out a scream, as he was startled by the sudden impact. The beast continued to pound against the door, as the other werewolves went around to the sides of the house and onto the roof.

With his back still pressed against the door, Ricky struggled to find the lock for the door. His left hand slid down the door until his fingers found the lock. He turned the lock and he stepped away from the back-door. "Peter! Chase! Everybody wake up and grab your weapons!" he yelled, trying to be heard over the sound of the pounding door.

He could hear the echoing footsteps of the others as they got out of bed and grabbed their weapons. The others rushed down the stairs, and they stopped when they got to the first floor. "What happened? What's wrong?" Chase asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes with his right hand. "Werewolves ... are... attacking... the... house," Ricky told him and the other survivors. Suddenly, the pounding on the back-door stopped, leaving the house once again in complete silence. The twelve of them didn't speak a word or move a muscle, all of them trying to listen for any sudden sounds. The eerie silence was almost too quiet for the survivors to stand, as if the silence itself was calling forth something to invade the house.

All of the sudden, they heard the sound of glass being broken as one of the werewolves leaped through the upstairs hall-way window. Shattered pieces of glass fell onto the hall-way floor, surrounding the spot where the beast was standing. Downstairs, the survivors heard the sound of the front-door suddenly bursting open. They heard deep growls coming from the upstairs hall-way and behind them. Peter, Jacob, Chase, Max, and John all reached back over their right shoulder to grab their weapons. All twelve of the survivors slowly turned around to face the beast that was behind them. Tony had his 20-gauge shotgun out in front of him, his right index finger resting on the trigger. Shadow stepped in front of the twelve survivors, growling and snapping its teeth at the beast.

The beast let out a bark and snarled at the group of twelve survivors. Rosina looked over at the stairs, and her eyes went wide with fear. "Um..... Jacob?" she said, pulling on Jacob's left arm, not taking her eyes off of the beast that stood at the foot of the stairs. Jacob turned around to the stairs, and he tightened his grip on his AK-47 as he stared at the beast that was standing there. He pointed the barrel of his gun at the beast that stood at the foot of the stairs. The beast snarled, snapping its powerful jaws together, baring its razor sharp fangs at the group of survivors.

Suddenly, without any kind of warning, the first werewolf launched itself at Tony, moving with lightning fast speed. Before Tony could pull the trigger, the beast knocked him down onto the floor. His shotgun slid across the living-room floor, coming to a stop underneath the couch, the bottom half of the gun sticking out. Jacob, Carter, Chase, and the others all jumped out of the way as the werewolf knocked Tony onto the floor.

Tony was on the floor, on his back, keeping the werewolf's snapping jaws away from his face. He threw the beast off of him, got up onto his feet, and quickly rushed over to the couch. He bent over and pulled his shotgun out from underneath the couch. He straightened up and spun around to face the beast, his shotgun once again in front of him. As the beast launched itself at him again, he pulled the trigger. The werewolf let out a yelp as the blast from the shotgun sent the beast smashing into a wall. A loud bang rung through the house, and Peter, Carter, Chase, Max, and the rest of the survivors groaned in pain as they tried to block out the high-pitch ringing.

"John, take everybody to the barn! Go now!" Dave yelled, his voice loud enough to be heard over the sound of the ringing. Jacob and the others rushed over to the back-door, but Ricky stood frozen in place in front of one of the windows. "Ricky, what are you doing? Let's go," Chase asked, his voice louder than he wanted it to be.

Behind Ricky's reflection in the window, Carter could see one of the werewolves creeping up behind him outside. "Ricky, behind you!" Carter said, but it was too late. The beast burst through the window, causing pieces of shattered glass to fall onto the floor. For a brief moment, Ricky could feel the werewolf's warm breath on the back of his neck. Then before he could do anything, the beast shot its head forward and it dug its sharp fangs into his left shoulder. The werewolf lifted Ricky off the ground and pulled him through the broken window. "Guys, help me!" he yelled as he disappeared into the darkness of the night.

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