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The black figure opened its mouth, hissing at her, revealing two rows of sharp teeth. Abigail's fingers started to lose their grip then she screamed. The black figure watched as she fell into the horde of zombies. The zombies ripped Abigail to shreds, using their teeth and fingers.

Bennet groaned as he struggled to sit up. He slowly got up to his feet, the hatchet was hanging along his side. He took a couple of steps forward, the rotten floorboards creaking under his weight. He saw four pairs of glowing blood red eyes then he heard the growls.

Seconds later, something jumped onto him, knocking him to the ground, the hatchet slid across the floor, out of his reach. Bennet could feel hot breath on his face. He could hear the werewolfs powerful jaws snapped shut just inches away from his face. He grabbed the werewolf by the neck with both of his hands. He yanked the neck to the right. Bennet heard a snap then a yelp. He tossed aside the werewolf's dead body.

Bennet slowly got to his feet then he went over and he picked up his hatchet. He then had a idea. He started to look for a can of gasoline. He found one so he took the can over to the side of the hay-loft and he started to pour the gasoline. After all the gasoline was poured, Bennet reached into his right jacket pocket and his fingers wrapped around his lighter. He took the lighter out of his jacket pocket and he clicked the flame on. He held it over the edge, ready to drop it to light the gasoline.

He was about to drop the lighter when out of the flames range of light, two big, hairy, powerful paws grabbed him by the shoulders. The lighter fell out of his hand as the hands threw him to the side. The lighter landed next to the spilled gasoline and with just one spark, the whole bottom half of the barn went up in flames.

Bennet slowly stood up, staring up at the six-foot-tall werewolf, that was towering over him and staring down at him with its orange eyes. The werewolf raised its right paw, its razor, sharp claws ready to rip the flesh right off of his body. Bennet raised his left arm to protect him but it didn't help. The giant werewolf brought down its right paw, its sharp claws ripped right through his leather jacket. Bennet gasped in pain and he looked down at his arm. There was blood slowly oozing out of the three claw marks.

The smoke from the fire begin to sting his eyes, making them become watery. Bennet shifted his eyes from the hay-loft window to the werewolf then back to the window. He made a run for it. The werewolf reached out its two hairy arms to grab him but he dodged them. As he ran, the wooden floorboards started to give way. The werewolf was right behind him, he could hear the monster's huge footsteps echoing through the entire barn. Bennet jumped and he grabbed the bottom of the hay-loft window as the wooden floorboards finally crumbled, falling into the inferno.

The werewolf made one more wild grab at Bennet as, it too, fell into the inferno. Bennet was holding onto the hay-loft window for his life, the flames of the fire sizzling and crackling beneath him. He heard cracking sounds as he held onto the window. His hands started to slip, losing their grip. A moment later, his hands lost their grip then he fell into the fire.

He landed on the ground, screaming in pain because he landed on his left foot. Bennet landed in a pile of blood, guts, and bones. He looked around as he slowly got up. Everything was burning, the smoke made Bennets throat go dry. He slid open the barn door. He dragged his left foot behind him as he struggled to make his way towards his house.

Bennet was about halfway to the house when the entire barn exploded. The explosion knocked him to the ground. Pieces and chunks of wood flew everywhere. A piece of wood flew past Bennet, just inches above his head. Another piece barely missed his right foot.

He got up and he ran the rest of the way. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, as he made his way to his house. He ran up the porch steps then he collapsed on the porch, his lungs and eyes burning. Bennet layed there, watching the lightning light up the sky. His Harley Davidson V-Rod motorcycle leather jacket soaked, his left foot twisted, his eyes burning.

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