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The motor-boat was soaring across the water. Chase was in front while the others were behind him. Suddenly, the engine started to get slower, slower, and slower until the motor-boat came to a complete stop, then there was silence.

"We're stranded in the middle of nowhere!" Rosina shouted. Austin and Shadow both looked at her as she got up. As she said that, six gray shark fins came out of the water and started to circle around the boat. Shadow went over to the edge of the boat, put his forepaws on the side, and the dog started to bark. Something splashed water at the dog. Shadow came off of the edge and shook his body. Water went flying everywhere. "Get the boat started, Chase." Kristin told him.

Chase went over to the back of the boat, threw his hand into the water, and he wrapped his fingers around the cord. He gave the cord a good pull but it wouldn't start. "Hurry up." Kristin told him. "I'm trying." Chase snapped at her. He looked up and he saw two powerful jaws, filled with thirty rows of razor sharp teeth. He turned his attention back to the cord. Chase gave the cord another good pull and the engine roared to life. The motor-boat took off before the two powerful jaws snapped shut.

"I see land. We're going to crash!" Chase yelled as a beach came into view. The motor-boat jerked to a sudden stop. The nine teenagers grabbed their weapons as the boat sent them flying forward, into the water with Shadow. They all swam to the beach, holding onto their weapons with one hand and using their other hand to swim.

Once they were on the beach, they watched as a shark jumped out of the water, opened its huge jaws, and came down on the motor-boat. Shadow shook his body. The nine teenagers looked around the beach. They saw a highway ahead. They walked to the highway, the sand feeling soft and warm under their feet, Shadow walking behind them. Finally they got to the highway. They saw a yellow Dodge Viper, an orange Mustang, red pick-up truck and many more stranded cars.

All nine teenagers and the dog ran over to the pick-up truck. Peter & Alex got into front, Ricky and Carter got into the backseats and the others and Shadow got into the very back. Peter reached under the steering-wheel and he ripped out the container under it, exposing the wires. He grabbed the red and blue wires and he fused them together. The first two times he didn't get anything, but the third time, there was a spark. The truck's engine came to life. Peter put the stick into drive, slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and he drove the truck through the mess of stranded cars. Once the stranded cars were behind them, Peter drove the truck down the road, entering San Francisco.

As he drove the truck down the streets of San Francisco, the sky was getting darker and darker by the minute. Peter switched the headlights on. In the light of the headlight, the group of nine teenagers saw buildings that were half burned down, there were cars on fire, and there were lifeless bodies scattered all around. In the light, he saw zombies feasting on the bodies and a couple of feet behind them, Jacob saw three pairs of glowing, blood red eyes. Werewolves, Jacob realized. Peter saw even more zombies feasting on the lifeless bodies. He saw about five to six zombies feasting on a body ahead.

The zombies looked up, blood dripping from their mouths, and they stared at the red pick-up truck as it got closer and closer to them. All six zombies slowly got to their feet. Peter saw them and he pushed harder on the gas pedal with his foot. The red truck got faster and faster, heading straight for the zombies. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel then there was a loud bang as the truck came into contact with the zombies. Blood and guts sprayed onto the windshield. "Gross." Peter said, turning on the windshield wipers. All nine teenagers heard a horrible crushing sound as all of the zombies got smashed to pieces under the tires. As Peter shifted the gear into second drive and the truck drove off, Austin looked into the darkness and he saw in the tail-lights, four werewolves chasing them, gaining on them.

Kristin screamed as one of the werewolves jumped onto the back of the truck. There was a thumping sound as the rest of them jumped onto the truck. One of the werewolves raised its forepaw, ready to rip flesh right off their bodies. As the werewolf brought down its paw, Austin aimed his flamethrower at the beast and he pulled the trigger. The beast let out a sharp yelp as it got covered in flames. It jumped off and rolled out onto the road. The rest of the werewolves jumped off as Jacob and Chase both fired their Ak-47s.

"What happened?" Peter asked. Jacob told Ricky then he told Peter, "We just had a werewolf attack." He looked ahead and as three werewolves standing in the middle of the road appeared in the headlights, Peter said, "Oh god." and he slammed his foot on the brake pedal. The three werewolves stood their ground, watching and waiting. As the pick-up truck came closer to them, the three werewolves jumped. Two of them landed on the front hood and the third one landed on the roof. Rosina screamed as the beast on top of the truck roared, then there were flashes of light as Chase fired his Ak-47 at the werewolf. The bullets hit the beast right in the chest.

The two werewolves on the front hood of the truck curled their paws into fists and then they pounded their hairy fists against the windshield. The first time, the glass cracked then the second time, the glass shattered. Broken glass fell on the ground at Peter's and Alex's feet. The two werewolves then put their heads through the windshield. One of the werewolves snapped its powerful jaws shut just inches away from Peter's face. "Move, Peter." Ricky told him, loading his 243 rifle and aimed it at the monster.

Peter moved his head as Ricky pulled the trigger. There was a bang sound as the sound of the bullet echoed through the truck. The bullet hit the beast in the eye. Ricky then reloaded his rifle and he aimed it at the other werewolf. The red pick-up truck came to a sudden stop. The three werewolves tumbled off the truck and landed on the road as Ricky fired again and hit the second werewolf in the chest.

Both Peter and Alex could see smoke coming from under the hood.

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